Saturday, May 11, 2024

Daddy Daughter Days: "Yes, AND?"

 Never thought i'd see myself posting here again, but here we are. I highly doubt anyone is asking themselves this, but I bet the 2 people who read this blog are probably wondering "I wonder what M and her dad have been up to since they stopped blogging here?" Well, allow me to elaborate on my whereabouts.

...I've been taking IMPROV CLASSES!!! 

One January morning, my dad found out about a "free introduction" class a few weeks prior. I decided to give it a shot, but was quickly put back into my bubble of social anxiety when my dad signed us BOTH up for the intro class. It got even worse when I found out I was the youngest AND the only female amongst 3 middle aged men (including my dad). The intro class went over the basics and I felt like it was something worth looking into. And after much discussion and making sure my dad only signed ME up for the class and not the both of us, I was all set. 

I enjoyed the introductory class. Comedic riffing is like catnip to me. But this is "Mariel's thing" and there's no need for me to horn in on it.

I started the level 1 class 2-3 weeks later with the same nerves I felt at the intro class, but warmed up gradually as time went on. I've also been attending "open mic" improv every 2 weeks with some of my fellow classmates. My dad usually spends his time in the restaurant area of where the open mic takes place because of having some weird stage fright whenever I can spot him (or any of my family members) in the audience. (Any family member = "Dad.") And keep in mind, the open mics are in a small room. So it would be easy to spot my dad in the crowd. At most, he only really pops in if I wind up ordering a plate of fries from the restaurant. But over these last few months, I've made a wide range of improv friends that I have either seen at my classes or at the open mic nights. 

I am currently finishing my level 2 classes and have a "student showcase" coming up on the 25th. Now THAT'S something I'm more comfortable having my dad watch me perform since it's in a larger room with a larger crowd. I think it's safe to say I plan on taking the remaining levels (I think there's a maximum of four in the classes. I'll need to check). 

On another note: I completed my Home Movies Budsies collection back in February and just finished saving for my first non HM character. My friend ordered the same character at Christmas time only to be greeted with disappointment. I wound up buying the plush off of her and it since has a new, loving home. 

I don't have a photo of the "second hand Budsie" right now. 

Holding Out For A Hero

 I'll admit, 2024 started on strong and continued like that for several months! The following happened during those several months -Star...