Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Truly A Scrooge Time Of Year

 Christmas has been a lot duller at our house this year. Even though we set up the tree and many other decorations (albeit very limited cuz my mom is still recovering from her long awaited knee surgery), we've also spent December planning the one thing you probably wouldn't wanna worry about on the month that's meant to be about holiday cheer and presents: planning a funeral.

We've had not one, but two deaths in the family in the span of two weeks and we couldn't be more depressed. First there was my great aunt who sadly passed away last Sunday from dementia. She had been in a nursing home for the last month and a half after a neighbor had discovered that she fell in her home talking way out of her head (something about critters in her house). The day before her passing, the nurses went to wake her up only to find her unresponsive and with a high fever. Mom and dad went to visit her in the nursing home while I stayed behind. Not out of disrespect in any way, I just can't handle emotional situations like that. So for the last week or so, we've been working out details for the memorial. Two of my best friends from the good ol interwebs are also possibly gonna be attending (another blog post for another day). I don't wanna spoil anything, but I told my friends it will be "the least normal funeral you will ever go to."

Then just this morning, we lost my great uncle after a long battle with cancer. The whole aunt and uncle thing is just a coincidence I swear. He was given his final rites yesterday afternoon as per catholic tradition. Details to follow on that. But the good thing is they both went quickly and didn't suffer long. 

December truly fucking blows right now. 

Holding Out For A Hero

 I'll admit, 2024 started on strong and continued like that for several months! The following happened during those several months -Star...