Monday, January 9, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Oddball Food Reviews

 Dad and I picked up a few things at pantry while we were packing orders, since the coordinator let me pick out some items if there was anything I liked. First off was a new item to our stock, cookies and cream OATMEAL!!!

I spotted this item on one of the orders we were filling out. First thing that came to our minds was "what were the people at Quaker Oats thinking?!" But as a lover of all things Oreo flavored, I added it to our own personal bag. I actually tried some this morning and it was pretty good! Basically tasted like a melted version of the Hersheys cookies and cream bars with oatmeal thrown in. (Maybe try some too when you've got a free minute, dad.)

I also got a loaf of bread and dad got some hot sauce (another new item added to pantry). We even made a joke for a potential Metalocalypse fan episode where one part could feature Murderface chugging down tons of hot sauce until his face turns beet red! 

A "Grease" prequel? What the what?

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