Thursday, October 26, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: The End Of An Era

 Well, folks. We JUST finished Crash Canyon. 

The finale was what we expected from a Crash Canyon episode, randomness with not a single hint of plot. But this time, it was different. Norm wants to bring the "canyonites" together for...Something, but nobody's interested. Midway through the episode, a suicidal man falls into the canyon, with his attempt only being stopped by a bush. Antics ensue.

Now my overall thoughts on the show... 

Like we said when we first started watching, it had a high concept, but still had enough cutaway gags and overall art design to keep it tied down to "Family Guy Ripoff" status. Would I recommend it? Yes! Whether you're a fan of TV show clones, or are a stoner looking for a cartoon to watch while getting high, or just... Anyone looking for a funny cartoon to watch on Tubi, this is the one for you. My overall rating would be a 7.5\10.

How about you, dad? 

I could take it or leave it. (Trending toward "leave it," gotta be honest.) Glad to see that Canada was able to reverse-engineer the Family Guy algorithm and mash it up with Gilligan's Island. There were no likeable characters and very few laughs. I wonder if there were kids in Saskatchewan carrying "Crask Canyon" lunch boxes to school?

Until next time, it's back to Camp Campbell! 

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