Monday, July 26, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: All Work Because Its Monday

 I'm going to my volunteer job today in hopes to earn a little extra cash aside from my weekly allowance. My mom pays me for my work after my little "shift" so that's nice... turns out my new job is gonna be year round now! Initially these were gonna be for over the summer but now it will continue during the fall. But..... What IS this job?

You see, my parents attend a UCC (United Church of Christ) and we've just started doing community meals, I don't come that often as I'm an atheist and don't really believe in God. The only exceptions I'll make, however, are for my job, or for the LGBT support group held there (yes, our church is LGBT friendly) but the community meals are basically me and a few staff members putting together meal orders, today's specialty being turkey sandwiches. But at the end of it all, aside from my payment, my mom and I get to pick free food that was unable to be stored in our food pantry. 

Just don't bring home any dollar store chili. I'm begging you!

In other news, Melissa from Home Movies did indeed win the poll I posted so she's gonna be commissioned soon, I'm having my dad get her reference sheet set up so I can do some fine tuning before submitting it to Budsies. Other than all that, I don't really have too much to do today. I will probably spend my day watching The Office and playing Chocobo's Dungeon, kupo! 

Also, just hopped onto Twitter and found this! 

I'd totally get one if they were real.... 

The seven exes wanted Scott Pilgrim's head on stick, so this makes perfect sense.

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