Friday, July 16, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Censoring Gone Too Far?

 I was using my little computer last night while on a video call with some friends and just casually having a grand old time, suddenly I stumble upon a post from SaberSpark (one of me and my dad's favorite YouTubers) on the community tab on YouTube.

Sooooo apparently bikinis are considered "non child friendly" over in Persia? See folks, a lot of other countries see things differently from us "hillbilly Americans" and it always gets a good laugh out of me. I mean.....remember 4Kids? Instead of introducing kids to Japanese culture in their dubs for cartoons like OnePiece, Sonic X, and Pokemon, they would try to work their way around and censor as much as they could. I all remember THIS, right?

Yeah... Well I can't wait to see more of this if\when SaberSpark uploads a video discussing it. Gonna probably make my way to Paula's Doughnuts and grab a dozen sushi ro- I mean....jelly doughnuts.... 

There's nothing new under the sun: 


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