Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Weekend Plans

 So I've been having the urge to do some thrifting again. And what better way to head to your local Savers on the weekend! 

When flea market\garage sale season is usually over (October-March), thrift stores are always a great alternative. My family and I have been regulars at Savers sine 2016 when we moved here, and it hasn't stopped since. Father and I are likely to head there on Saturday since I pitched the idea to him last night.  Like I have a choice? 😁

Let's just hope the toy\figure section isn't picked over.

Also planning on showing dad some of the Home Movies episodes he's missed. Specifically the episode "Its Time To Pay The Price." 

I want to see "Scared Straight!"

(Oh yeah, I forgot they called "Its Time To Pay The Price" by "Scared Straight" on the official DVDS for some oddball reason....)

I also forgot mom has bloodwork that morning, so thrifting will need to be pushed to the afternoon, which was my plan anyway.

I think *someone* mentioned going out for breakfast..?

Budsies update! 

They also said that they can't guarantee whether or not they'd have glittery fabric on hand, so mother and I told them to use whatever they have\had in stock at this time. Can't wait to see how the finished product will turn out!

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