Sunday, May 22, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Post Conning

 Major apologies for not being able to update yesterday's post. We had a small get together and it kinda kept me from using the computer. But here we go.

So our Pokémon guy, Phil had a lot of new stock. Which is to be expected if you're going around selling bootleg Pokémon figures. But the thing is, he also got some new figures in stock. These slightly larger Pikachus, all of them came in various little designs and at only a buck each compared to the usual 3 for $1 that the mini Pokémon go for. 

To put it short: I spent $20 on a bunch of these figures... 

Also stopped by the Dollar Tree (in the same plaza). To browse and get a snack.

Other than that, I worked up another idea for a short that I'll let you in on tomorrow possibly. Bijou Blackout continues! *Tomorrow most likely*

WOW! Sunday turned out to be busy and nerve-wracking!  I was too wrung-out to work on our projects.

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