Friday, September 23, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Fall Is On Its Way!

 Ah my favorite time of year. Leaves on the trees start to turn the signature fall colors. Reminds me a lot of the days when dad had to rake leaves and pine straw at our old house, that didn't last long with having a little kid back then. I'm pretty sure there's a picture of me holding a pinecone, but we'll worry about that later. 

Not to mention blowing the pine straw off the roof! Those trees gave your mother nightmares!

Right now, I've got yet another video to make today! But in the meantime, I have a Home Movies animatic premiering on my channel this afternoon. I also posted it to the art blog, but its still processing... 

Speaking of fall.... 
Got my costume!

UPDATE: Found the picture! 
Here stands a then 4 year old me holding a pinecone because ain't that what ALL 4 year olds do?

CIRCA APRIL 2009!!!!

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