Friday, September 9, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: A Father Daughter Investigation II

 Alright, so updates on the tape in regards to the timeline.

-We know this was Monday, 3 day weekend broadcast. 

-As of last night, it was also revealed that this was recorded prior to the date of March 3rd. So my guess of MLK Day could be very much correct.

-Not exactly related but, the movie sucked. 

Holy mother of coleslaw, the movie was just a nonstop cesspool of filler and skate puns. I mean at least one of us got a laugh over how bad it was! Now this was our first time being exposed to the Rocket Power series, so we didn't know squat going in. But I think the movie would have been better (and made more sense) if we had a frame of reference. I might see if I can get around to watching actual episodes of RP soon so I can kind of know the characters more other than what we saw in the movie. If we're able to rip the tape to our computer, or maybe even pirate the movie. Expect a review from us very soon. 

Care to add your two cents, dad?

We could see how the plot was going to play out a mile away. There was an overload of morals clumsily rammed down our throats:

  • Don't play favorites!
  • Jealousy bad! Teamwork good!
  • Cheaters never prosper!
  • Marmite is yummy!!!

PS: The next show on this tape is some soap opera from CBS. Maybe we could have that play as white noise while we draw some more comics n such. 

It could happen. Am still trying to work on that antique table in the garage and the lawn needs some attention.

Hmmm...Maybe after you're done with the table! Plus this weekend is gonna be focused entirely on projects!

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