Thursday, September 29, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: SOLD (hopefully....)

 We found another person interested in the table! Say they wanna come by on Saturday morning. The one stick in the mud though is that I have music class at 10:00. Maybe see if they could come at 10:30 after you drop me off, dad? Yeah, I'll text them today and reschedule for a 10:30 meet-up. It shouldn't be a deal-breaker. (Fingers crossed!)

Gotta get this thing outta here fast.

I should also be expecting a package sometime this afternoon (not Mitch). So I'll keep my eyes peeled for that.


Yep. She arrived this morning and works FLAWLESSLY! An amazing addition to my 16 year collection. Maybe we'll find some MIB sassy cats at the flea market this weekend?

Also, I'm watching a Brutalmoose VHS video and- 

So apparently this is a LIVE ACTION Pinocchio movie from the 70s! I'll admit, the cat looks fine. But 
(Dis)Honest John? What have they done to you!!! Pray for me. 
Got a running joke for Mitch in plan with these cats.

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