Sunday, October 9, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Bigger Fish To Fry

 Game season has officially started here. Well, it technically started 2 weeks ago. But that's besides the point. 



So I got season 1 of "American Dad" at Goodwill yesterday. I had only seen one episode so far prior to achieving this set, so I had a small memory of the characters. From what I've seen in the 4 episodes we've encountered so far, it seems to be a really good show! Your thoughts, dad? 

There was also supposed to be a meeting my dad had to attend, but that got cancelled. So we went on with our morning by getting washed up etc. 


As promised, dad and I went on a quest to get our hands on those "Cactus Buddy" happy meals! We drove to a chosen location and were greeted with nothing but disappointment. I place my order and the cashier whispers "We can't sell those anymore because we ran out of the toys." Maybe NEXT weekend will be better...If they're still available. 

This reminded us of a situation from many years ago. 

So when I was around 4, maybe 5. McDonalds had these "Hello Kitty" pencil holders out as their happy meal. And what little girl would turn such an offer like THAT down?! So one afternoon, my mom and I went to McDonalds to get my grubby little kid hands on a pencil holder that's probably worth 5 cents now.

*At drive-thru*

Mom: I'll have a 6pc McNugget meal for a girl, please!

Guy behind the speaker: Oh, sorry. We're all out of the Hello Kitty toys. 

Mom: Yeah, probably cuz you took them all! (Don't worry, folks. She was saying that out of sarcasm). 

Needless to say, I *likely* wound up with one of the other happy meal toys they were serving at the time.

(Present Day)

Then we went home where we went on to plan how we're gonna set up my recording station for my VHS tapes! We've not plugged in anything just yet, aside from the antenna. More updates on that soon! 

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