Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: A Fairly Odd Cartoon

 Butch Hartman is known for his work on various Nickelodeon shows that many a Gen Z kid (like myself) grew up with. His most well known being "The Fairly OddParents" and "Danny Phantom" respectively. Butch left Nick a few years ago to work on his own indie projects. One of those would turn out to be...The Garden. 

"The Garden" is an animated Christian children's show starring Lenny the lion and Lucy the lamb (a reference in Christian media I've never seen before. Nice one!) And each episode has the two main characters doing various tasks assigned by "The Boss" (who is obviously God in this series). Originally, Butch was selling the first few episodes for $130, but a kind soul on YouTube uploaded them (and a more recent episode) for FREE! So I thought it would be fun to sit through at least ONE episode and give my own thoughts.

The first season (6 episodes) were very short, with a 6 minute runtime. I sat through the first episode "Seeds of Love." This episode shows Lenny and Lucy being tasked to plant a bunch of mixed seeds in the garden. One of these seeds being a "love seed" which I'm sure you all know where this is going. This drives home the lesson about loving your neighbor and that's it. I thought it was a decent cartoon, albeit a bit rushed and bland. But The person who so kindly uploaded these to YouTube also posted a more recent episode called "The Truth is the MANE Thing." Maybe we could sit through THAT this weekend? 

Sure. Can't imagine it being as good as VeggieTales, though.

In other news:

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