Saturday, March 25, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Annnnd It's Gone.

 Just sat through this week's episode "Dinkinbaus Hotdogs" and man were we impressed!

We finally got a Butters centered episode where it wasn't just 30 minutes of him being abused by those around him. And yes, while it IS true that Butters was taken advantage of by Cartman, but it was done tastefully and didn't get physical. We were really impressed with the unexpected team up between Cartman and Kenny because "Ooooh, Keeny's poor just like me!" And the ending was VERY satisfying. Let's hope the season finale will get a thumbs up from audiences and not "Oop, we're back to doing Tegridy Filler!!!" Unlike Cartman's lack of work, this episode gets a solid 10\10.

What did you think, dad? 

Pretty solid episode that hit several topics ripped from today's headlines.

First off, Butters announces he's been working at the ice cream parlor, and he's gotten his very first paycheck. He explains that as long as he has is parents' permission, it's now legal for him to work.

Of course, Cartman sees how unfair it is that he doesn't have a job with a paycheck, so he worms his way into the ice cream parlor's payroll as Butters' co-worker. Well, "worker" isn't exactly the right word, since he pulls every slacker trick in the book to avoid doing a lick of work. He even tries to work from home via skype because he needs a mental health day. 

Forced to come back to the shop, he stumbles upon an idea that literally blows his mind: He should reopen the abandoned Coney Island hot dog stand that he and his mom have been squatting in so he can have all the money!

Hijinks ensue with a major reset for Cartman and his mom ending up back at their old house. Oops, SPOILER ALERT!

Sure, I'll give it 10/10.

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