Monday, March 27, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: *Sigh*


Out of ALL of the topics you could choose from, you pick Trump...Again...

Now I've been a sucker for political humor since the 2020 election. One thing is for certain is that South Park FAILED MISERABLEY when they poked fun at the 2016 election. Then again, season 20 was a bummer in and of itself, but the President Garrison and Skankhunt42 plot just made that season WORSE! We've already gotten rid of Tegridy Farms, we do NOT need another unfunny story arch!

If you want to see GOOD political comedy making fun of the walking cheeto with margarine for hair, might I recommend "The President Show"

Goodwill Haul coming later today (if I find anything). 

But we sure won't find brownies because we are not potate.

"Potatoes gonna tate, tate, tate..."

Ah how I miss my pals from NC.

Anyways, here's my Goodwill haul!!!!
Both still need names (and don't suggest Po and Tato)

Luckily we have our first flea market trip of the season this Sunday! If the weather sucks\has low turnout. We'll head to our antique mall (not that far from the flea market). 

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