Monday, August 28, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Rock On...Tism.

 Went to my first "Rock Autism Film Festival" yesterday! Everyone from my class was there, minus one of my friends due to being out of town that weekend. Seeing as we were students, we got FREE VIP PASSES! And to make it even better, we got to film ON STAGE! So.... Here's some photos I took of myself (and Max Muscato) at the event.  

Me and my friend Cruise


Going to the Betterwill today. Let's hope my limp from pulling a muscle in my leg isn't too noticeable. 

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Daddy Daughter Days: "The Story of GWEEN"

 In 2021, I found out about a little show called "Camp Camp." The show was created by the recently defunct "Rooster Teeth&quo...