Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Cut and Print!

 Decided to work on some script writing for my Home Movies fan series. Me and my online friends have been working on the season finale as well as other episodes. The finale is gonna have a lot of drama and intensity regarding Jimmy Monet in terms of giving him a proper background that he never had in the original series (with the help of my best friend of course since we're both fans of said character) and so much more! With a few "Shannon looks like a chicken" jokes thrown in.... 

Look at this image and maybe you'll get it. Hehehe, beak boy. 

So for today's routine, I'll be doing some shopping this afternoon with my mom and grandma. Nothing really exciting, just shopping for groceries. After that, we'll head back later for dinner (Again, talk of Chinese food) and that's really about it.

In other news, turns out I have my LGBT support group on Thursday. I DID NOT KNOW UNTIL JUST LAST NIGHT! So I've been a bit wacked. Thus ending our long August newsletter. 

Now let's see what next month brings

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