Thursday, September 9, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Peeling Onions

 So this morning, I had gotten a little sketch drawing of Paula Small that was sitting on the kitchen table. It said "Click on the "message 4 Mariel" icon on the downstairs computer" which is where I post my portion of the blogs and my dad responds on his computer at work. So I go downstairs with Brendon in my arms, I mean duh, a letter from his mom has to mean something. So I clicked on the icon and I never expected to have my pupils turn into black saucers at 9 in the morning. Paula Poundstone herself sent me a personalized letter basically saying she'll miss seeing me at the show and that there will be many more chances to come see her. Will be writing a personal "thank you" video\email or something to send back as a token of my appreciation. I assure you I'm peeling onions at my desk right now as I make a animation of one of my characters. Something tells me this weekend is gonna be a blast!

In other news, today is fast food Thursday, maybe a celebration pizza is in order???? Needless to say, this personalized message will be on the computer for years to come. 

By the way.... that peeling onions thing was a joke. I'm perfectly fine, I wasn't ACTUALLY emotional

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