Monday, November 22, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Every Moment Counts!

So this has been a very interesting topic of mine. So ever since June-July of 2020, I've occasionally had VERY vivid dreams where even after I'd wake up, I would remember what happened. Heck I even have my own little universe in this alternate dream world of mine.  Around August 2020 was when I started cataloging them into fan fictions on my Wattpad using my OCS in place of people who were in the original. 

The current fiction I'm working on now is a King of the Hill fan episode I'd like to title "Ridin' High." The story is about Hank and the guys going to their last deer hunt of the season, but trouble rises when, get this, a snowstorm is headed towards Arlen! I'm currently working on the 3rd chapter right now where Hank, Boomhaur, and Bobby run into the antagonists of the story. 

I also found this animation guide (courtesy of Cartoonbrew)

So, its another school day. Nothing too special other than my mom getting ready for Turkey Day! A few weeks ago, my mom was looking for a small turkey at the Wegmans around the corner, sadly she couldn't find one but wound up with a turkey the size\weight of our 4 year old cat. Looks like we'll be having a LOT of leftovers.

Oh, boy!  Looks what's coming on December 16th!!!

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