Sunday, December 26, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: The Journey Beyond!

 So I got "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD" for my Nintendo Switch yesterday. Now I know a lot about this game, because I had the original on the Nintendo Wii! Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess were my introduction to the mysterious world of Hyrule and all it has to offer. 

This game allegedly takes place "where it all began" when Link first started his adventure saving Zelda and defeating weird creatures. But instead of riding atop our favorite horse known as "Epona" we rely on a loftwing for transportation in the skies above. 

What? No Epona?!?!?

Playing this game on my switch brought back a LOT of fond memories. I remember spending hours on my Wii every day before, during breaks, and after school, just to see what would come next. My mom never really said anything about it since I would often switch between the Wii and the computer in our small family room at our old house. 

Sadly, with the original Wii copy, I only made it to the sand temple and never figured out how to solve it. So I consider this a second chance. 

But at least we have the adorable little remlits! (Just don't cross one at night.)

So father and I are mostly gonna go couch potato mode today and just relax. We have one project today, and that is to swap out my Xbox 360 for get this... a VCR! Yeah, I've been finding some Adult Swim VHS tapes on Ebay and have wanted to buy them for myself. My dad kept our old VCR and we plan on installing it in my bedroom. 

After some potating on the couch, I did a few chores. (1) I finally installed a new door sweep on our side entrance door. (2) Cleaned some incipient mildew on the wall by the shower. (3) Installed the VCR in the daughter's bedroom. Bonus: We were able to keep the Xbox 360.

Then its time for CHINESE FOOD! (Someone wanted McDonalds instead. Not sayin' who...)

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