Sunday, December 12, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Tis The Season!

 Gonna do a take 2 on that gift shopping idea. My plan was that after my parents came home from church, and after mom has left for her work shift, father and I would have a fast lunch and set out.

The location I thought of going to would be Barnes and Noble, since that's where I got my last gift (2 years ago) and plus I might treat myself as well. We have two B&N locations near us, the one we usually wind up going to is near the Savers actually. My dad specifically prefers this location because they carry DVDS and records, so BAM. Win-Win situation right there. 

Also looking to get my daily dose of estrogen from Kim Pine.

So work on my little fan series has picked up again due to gaining interest in Home Movies. I was taking a hiatus from the show as well as any projects affiliated with it due to being burnt out. But now I'm getting HMR back up and running for more episodes! 

And yes, that means we get more of this guy. 

Update: Went to the Barnes and Noble this afternoon, wound up with 3 items. First was a TY beanie baby for he gift exchange. Second and third were the Sing soundtrack and SCOTT FREAKING PILGRIM! Wound up spending a good $32... a bit pricy but I could care less. Best part is I'm going to the mall tomorrow (again) to do some more shopping. I'll be bringing my 4 Build a Bear gift cards in hopes to get a pastel kitty (and maybe some clothes) but might use the last $20 I have for one last gift. Not sure... Now until then, I'm going to go cure my withdrawal.

I was sorry to see that the Movies & Music section of this particular store as exactly half of what it was since my previous visit.  Brick and mortar stores selling hard copies of such stuff are on their last legs. 😢

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