Friday, January 28, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Gleeking Out

So I'm working on a story arch for season 2 of my fan series. The story involves Clarice working on earning her master's degree in acting, and enlists the help of Duane, Jimmy, and the other characters in Home Movies. I won't spoil any further details right now other that what I've listed above. This arch actually gained inspiration from when I started listening to covers from "Glee" not too long ago. Specifically these songs below.

This would be used for a solo in this arch.

Ok, maybe I WILL provide more context, so for the college students to earn their degree, their task for the semester is to make a 100% original screenplay and NOT base it off any source material from previous Broadway musicals. This rule was specifically added to test Clarice's limits since she's considered the "black sheep" of her class. But, little do we know, our fellow student has a screenplay of her own and had been writing it since MIDDLE SCHOOL. 

One of many problems that will rise is that Duane doesn't know what the hell he's doing half the time, since he's not a musical type of person compared to his friend. And of course, Brendon will be recording this musical as one of his MANY movies! (Then again, season 2 is already gonna be musical based).

Anyways, with that out of the way, I'll get back to writing.

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