Friday, March 18, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Let There Be Fish!

 The family and I are grabbing some fish fry dinners this evening from a local church around the corner. We got some a couple of weeks ago, and Mimi didn't quite take a liking to the fish. She did like the rye bread and butter. Hey! No butter for Mimi!

What your average fish fry dinner would look like.

I've also taken a liking to the mac salad. Guess its more than just a failed password to unblock the Fox Network. (Whoever gets the reference besides my dad, I applaud you). 

Oh yeah. And I ordered Jason last night, as well as submitting my name to their free birthday program where they'll send you some sort of gift on your birthday. I had no clue that was a thing until yesterday. Won't find out what the gift will be for another let's see.... 8 months? 

Perhaps we could work on more ref sheets tonight, dad?

Is THIS celery?

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