Friday, April 8, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: My Ladder To STARDOM!

As you saw in yesterday's post, one of mine and my dad's favorite YouTubers HotDiggedyDemon tweeted about how he needed a voice actress for an upcoming cartoon of his. And since I'm trying to get my name out there, I submitted a demo reel last night. And whaddya know? I got a response!

"Hey friend, thanks for wanting to help out! I'll listen to your demo and get back to you if I think you'd be a good fit!

~Max G"

As for today, my project won't be LPS related, but rather a review on the Simpson's episode "Bart Gets an F." I'll save my thoughts for the video itself....Since it won't air until October....

Until then, have one of Max G's most hilarious cartoon's yet! 

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