Friday, March 31, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: We're Going to Sheas!

 Ordered our tickets for "Bluey's Big Play" last night (despite dad originally heading to many different scalper websites because we were using Bing instead of Google). But we eventually made it to the right website to order the tickets. 

I do plan on going to target in a week or two to get some Bluey merch (besides the ears I mentioned the other day) not just for the show, but for another thing that's been in the works for a while now. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: On This Day...

I'd like to share a memory of mine that is related to the joke in the title.

So one day, we were at the mall (I think it was to see a movie). And this mall had two escalators that would take you to the second floor (where the movie theater was). So we were about to go up one of them and the escalator we took WASN'T WORKING! So my dad quoted Mitch's infamous escalator joke, "sorry for the convenience." 

So any time I see an escalator that's not running, I'll tape a piece of paper to the railing where it will say "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience. -Mitch Hedberg"

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Lights, Camera, BLUEY!

 Ordering our Bluey tickets tomorrow night! And rather than pay $25 for a set of ears, you can get that EXACT same set at Target for $5. Ah! THAT'S what you wanted to get at Target!

I'm actually gonna get two pairs (No, the second pair is not for you, dad).

Anyways I'll be leaving to do some important business this afternoon (followed by pizza and a trip to the Polish deli). 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: 1963 Flashback!

 Here's a photo of me and my first Popeye cookie jar. It's sitting of the tailgate of our 1959 Rambler station wagon. The base is wrapped in a tea towel because it fell out of the box and smashed on the concrete driveway.

Still, look how excited I yam!

Ah, yes. I remember you told me that story not too long ago. Mom has work tonight, so we've got another evening of having the house to ourselves. So how does Simpsons THOH VHS recordings after dinner sound? 
Put all of the PeeWee tapes in my closet with my personal collection.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: *Sigh*


Out of ALL of the topics you could choose from, you pick Trump...Again...

Now I've been a sucker for political humor since the 2020 election. One thing is for certain is that South Park FAILED MISERABLEY when they poked fun at the 2016 election. Then again, season 20 was a bummer in and of itself, but the President Garrison and Skankhunt42 plot just made that season WORSE! We've already gotten rid of Tegridy Farms, we do NOT need another unfunny story arch!

If you want to see GOOD political comedy making fun of the walking cheeto with margarine for hair, might I recommend "The President Show"

Goodwill Haul coming later today (if I find anything). 

But we sure won't find brownies because we are not potate.

"Potatoes gonna tate, tate, tate..."

Ah how I miss my pals from NC.

Anyways, here's my Goodwill haul!!!!
Both still need names (and don't suggest Po and Tato)

Luckily we have our first flea market trip of the season this Sunday! If the weather sucks\has low turnout. We'll head to our antique mall (not that far from the flea market). 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Oh Well...

 The only thing I'm excited about tomorrow is going to Goodwill. Either way, I'm gonna be bashed about the same old "diet and workout" crap I hear once a year...


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Annnnd It's Gone.

 Just sat through this week's episode "Dinkinbaus Hotdogs" and man were we impressed!

We finally got a Butters centered episode where it wasn't just 30 minutes of him being abused by those around him. And yes, while it IS true that Butters was taken advantage of by Cartman, but it was done tastefully and didn't get physical. We were really impressed with the unexpected team up between Cartman and Kenny because "Ooooh, Keeny's poor just like me!" And the ending was VERY satisfying. Let's hope the season finale will get a thumbs up from audiences and not "Oop, we're back to doing Tegridy Filler!!!" Unlike Cartman's lack of work, this episode gets a solid 10\10.

What did you think, dad? 

Pretty solid episode that hit several topics ripped from today's headlines.

First off, Butters announces he's been working at the ice cream parlor, and he's gotten his very first paycheck. He explains that as long as he has is parents' permission, it's now legal for him to work.

Of course, Cartman sees how unfair it is that he doesn't have a job with a paycheck, so he worms his way into the ice cream parlor's payroll as Butters' co-worker. Well, "worker" isn't exactly the right word, since he pulls every slacker trick in the book to avoid doing a lick of work. He even tries to work from home via skype because he needs a mental health day. 

Forced to come back to the shop, he stumbles upon an idea that literally blows his mind: He should reopen the abandoned Coney Island hot dog stand that he and his mom have been squatting in so he can have all the money!

Hijinks ensue with a major reset for Cartman and his mom ending up back at their old house. Oops, SPOILER ALERT!

Sure, I'll give it 10/10.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: It's That Time Of Year (Again).

 Comic-Cons are starting up again. mom left us admission money for tomorrow, and I've got a little extra spending money for the convention itself. I was originally gonna cosplay as Wendy Testaburger, but ultimately decided on Inez from Cyberchase. 

Speaking of which, Cyberchase is supposed to be getting a 14th season next month! 

I updated Tuesday's post with Toyland Racing replacing Toyland Racer, FYI.

UPDATE: Found this Christian cartoon called "HoopDogz" and...It's...It's SOMETHING...
Though, I must admit the animation is actually pretty good! And the art style is decent, too...

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Hey, Fellers!

 We got a Butters episode last night. I didn't watch the trailer all the way through, but it was something along the lines of Butters working at an ice cream parlor. And my online best friend sent a photo from the official South Park Instagram account showing Cartman (I guess) shadowing Butters at said ice cream parlor. 

Can't wait to watch this on Saturday so we can give our two cents.

Though I AM a bit skeptical given that the last Butters episode we got was just 30 minutes of him being beaten up by police officers. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Out With The Old And In With The New (Eventually...)

 Been trying to get my hands on a more modern Barbie dreamhouse for a project I'm working on. Heck, I even cleared off my card table yesterday to make room for it. I happened to find one on Marketplace for a tad less than what a dreamhouse would normally sell for new in stores\online. So dad contacted the person to see if it was still there and sadly, someone had already picked it up minutes before. 

Specifically THIS model

Luckily I found ANOTHER one for the same price on Marketplace (before you as dad, yes it's in the area). Until I get my hands on one of these, mom and I are setting up the old townhouse from the 70s since I thought of a way to use it for the pilot episode...

Not our photo

Also, dad. Could you buy me a new set of ear buds on the way home? Mine broke this morning. 

Maybe we can go out after dinner. No excess $$$ in my wallet today. 😟

Seems like Mimi has found a new spot

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Gameplay Footage

Uploading some gameplay footage of ToonCar in a bit. Still haven't unlocked anything new yet, but I'll try my best. 

Here's the Lithuanian version:

More info!

Also reminding myself we have Villacon this weekend. Gotta remember to take admission money and some spending money along the side.  

Here's some gameplay footage of me playing a single race.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Time For A Ted Talk

 Currently brainstorming an idea for a video where we talk about some of the old, bargain bin PC games we played when I was little. Specifically ToonCar, but there is a possibility that others will be mentioned. 

Including a peek at it's prequel, Toyland Racing

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Let's Go and Make People SMIIIIIILE!!!!

 Been browsing on FB Marketplace these last few weeks. For the very few people who don't know, FB Marketplace is basically like Craigslist, but people choose to list their items for sale on the book of Faces. 

Somebody has some Smiling Friends plushies for sale (Charlie and Pim) and I plan on buying them. We'll get in touch with the seller this evening hopefully. 

We're off to the suburbs, Charlie!

Bad news:

Darn. Well, I did find a Barbie lot for $25 on FB Marketplace last night while we waited for a message back. Maybe I'll look into buying that if still available. Plus I'm headed to Goodwill next week, so there's that.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: If Only I Had The Motivation...

 Sat through "The Breakfast Club" last night in means of researching on the character I'll be playing in my college program's upcoming music video shoot next month. And while the film itself was really good and has for the most part aged well, it was probably a bad idea for me to dive into the rabbit hole of one single character. 

Too bad I didn't plan anything for Autism Acceptance month this year. Haven't been motivated enough...

And I am in no mood to type up a script last minute, either. So needless to say, dad and I are gonna continue working on our Scott Pilgrim comic. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: The Art Of Preservation

I've gotten back into VHS tapes as of last year when our church food pantry was getting rid of a lot of things. One of those being a VCR, which they let us take home. So I went through our family's extended collection and I pulled out some tapes from my own personal library. But one thing I do like collecting when it comes to tapes are home recordings.

No not things like Christmas of (insert year here), I mean TV recordings. I'm not just in it because of the shows, but because of the commercials from its time. Some of the tapes I currently own are 2 Metalocalypse recordings (season 1), a 6 hour VHS tape with various shows (Rocket Power, Oprah, Pokemon, etc) and...That's about it. 

There's currently someone on EBay selling off a bunch of Cartoon Network\Adult Swim VHS tapes for $25 a pop plus shipping (with the exception of a 7 hour tape for $34). Two I plan on buying are from Christmas 2004 and the other is from 2005. 
Christmas 2004 includes:

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law

Family Guy

What I think might be Squidbillies

"And others"

The 2005 tape (just listed) includes:

Family Guy (as pictured above)

American Dad

Robot Chicken

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Home Movies

"And more"

Once I'm done saving for Bluey's Big Play, I'll try and purchase these tapes when I can. (Which btw I should have all the money next week).

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Tomorrow's Plans!

 Mom has an extra shift at work tomorrow night. So not only will we be drawing more of "Scott Pilgrim VS The Fan Made Comics," but we'll be watching THIS! 

Also! I found an old trailer\promo for Toon Car! 

The software developers clearly did not understand the difference between "racer characters" and "racist caricatures!" 

Yeah! The only characters I don't really see as "racist" are Pinky and John Pencil (not counting Mr. Chatty since he's an NPC). The rest...Yikes.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: 6 ALREADY?!

 Happy birthday to our favorite Magna-loafus, Belle! I can't believe you turned 6 today! 

I tried taking a picture of her this morning, but she was more focused on eating her Party Mix...

And here's today's ART POST

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Ah, The Days of PC (Not Politically Correct)


Our experiences with bargain bin PC games would make for a great YouTube video! Maybe we could discuss it while working on the Scott Pilgrim comic tonight?


Monday, March 13, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Today's Schedule

 -Homeschool meeting

-OTL with grandma

-Help grandma with a few things around the house

-Go home

-Work with dad on our latest project! 

That's the plan....

More info about SPVTFMC on Craig's Eggs! 

Shady reviewed one of my favorite episodes (that a lot of people hate for valid reasons).

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Mc NO THANK YOU!

 Dad and I had a full day of food pantry (and an all-important meeting afterwards), so being stuck in the same building for 5+ hours can wear you down. 3 hours of filling orders and 2 hours of sitting later and we leave the building to grab something to eat. 

Mom had given us money for McDonalds since it was something quick and cheap and there are like... 100 or so of these restaurants in the area. We ruled out which location to go to, and we initially settled on going to one that was across from Target. 

So, we park our car, head into the Mc-of-D's and holy moly the entire place was TRASHED!!! Garbage cans overflowing, the drink fountain having been covered with spilled coke and straw wrappers. Dad needed to run to the bathroom before we were gonna order. So I waited by the pigsty for a few minutes and when dad finally returned, we both agreed to take our business elsewhere.

Not the actual location, but this can give you an idea as to the horrors we saw.

To cut a long story short, we went to a different McDonald's. Though, a local pizza place was gonna be our plan b if all else failed. But we'll save THAT for next week.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: A Totally Accurate Review

 The following review was not used with ChatGPT:

I had very high hopes for "Deep Learning" ever since the first trailer's release. Cuz it featured a story focused primarily on the kids and not some bogus plot about Tegridy Farms or PC Principal. The episode itself was really funny and the endless jokes and references involving AI were hilarious! Definitely an upgrade from last week's episode. Unfortunately, the next installment won't come out until 3\22 (according to the South Park website). Fingers crossed M&T keep this good steak going!

Care to throw in your two cents, dad? 

It was great to see Stan and Wendy as a couple again, albeit sans vomit. This season's emphasis on the kids is a breath of fresh air. 

I'm old enough to remember when the use of calculators was controversial (and expensive!) because "How are the children going to learn math?"

Now, not only are students not being taught how to write in cursive, but they also no longer have to learn how to write!

If let machine do make-up stories where will end asked Craig. Will be good? It cannot be good or it can be good. The end.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Home Cinema

 Got some things in mind for us to watch over the weekend. Not sure we'll be able to fit them all into one weekend, but we can certainly try.

These titles include:

The Breakfast Club

South Park ("Deep Learning")

Young Sheldon

Already wrote out the plot for our Scott Pilgrim comic last night. We can start tomorrow! 

I even made a sample for the video game "Drummer's Dungeon" on Bandlab yesterday. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: A Mighty Little Man

 For the last 2 years, TikTok has subjected me to "Young Sheldon" clips on my for you page. And this year, I decided to bite the bullet and order all 5 seasons on DVD (they're the only ones that have a physical release as of now. Season 6 just wrapped up *I think* and will likely get a DVD release soon!) So I've been spending a small portion of my free time binging that show when I'm not working on projects.

So last night, dad and I sat down to watch Young Sheldon while we drew some Scott Pilgrim Fan Art . My father has never been a fan of "The Big Bang Theory" and I've never watched it myself (minus some short clips on YouTube), but it blew my mind to see my dad recognize guest star after guest star in the Young Sheldon episodes we watched last night. I recognized a couple of them myself (like Jason Alexander for example).

Your thoughts on the show, dad? 

Well-written, great cast & guest stars. I like one-camera shows instead of 3-camera live shows with the cast yelling punchlines at an audience. thumbs up. My only worry is the kids growing out of their appealing characters.

Unrelated but here's he second trailer from last night's episode.

My critique friend gave the episode a 10\10

Wendy's appearance in the episode alone already aims my hopes for it to be a good episode compared to last week's. Won't know until Saturday!

Bonus! Cousins and a very special friend:

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: One Thing Is Certain...

 The South Park fandom is about to have a field day with tonight's episode. I'm 99.9% sure of it. 

In other news....There is no other news, have another weird AI drawing in the meantime. I'm gonna be busy scripting all day. 

I never knew I needed Ramona with glasses, but here we are now.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: The Wonderful World of AI

 Dad and I have experimented with AI software in the past, but I've been indulging in it these past few days just for funsies. Hell, I even managed to come up with some potential OCS because of it! 

So here are some Scott Pilgrim AI generated images made in the past few days. 

Scott dyed his hair all 3 colors of the bisexual flag

Green and pink haired Ramona is kinda cool

Blue haired Scott

The 8th Evil ex that was never seen in the books

Monday, March 6, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: An Unexpected Comeback???

 Despite having a day where socializing in public is just too much for me, I have an interesting report on the preview for this week's South Park episode. 

In the preview for the episode "Deep Learning" it's revealed that Stan has a GIRLFRIEND again. So he asks Clyde for advice. Now Stan hasn't been actively dating in universe in over a DECADE. And if this episode were to air say, 4-5 years ago, a younger me would have been EXCITED! 

So in short, there's the possibility that Wendy Testaburger will get some time in the spotlight this episode?

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Just Like Old Times

 Ever been on a road trip before? Well, whether you have or haven't, chances are you may have at one point seen or stopped at a place called "Bob Evans." 

Back when we were living in the bowels of the south, we'd visit our current area because most of our family is here. and on our way up, we'd hit at least ONE Bob Evans. The only thing little me cared about there was.... 
Specifically the smiley fries.

So dad and I were out thrifting today, and I was reminded that there was a Bob Evans not too far from where we were. So I suggested we go there for dinner tonight since we'll be having family over for pizza tomorrow.

Just as I entered the building, all those road trip memories came flooding right back. The times my aunt and I would be looking through the gift shop while we waited for our food, the previously mentioned smiley fries, etc. So we sat down and flipped through the menu before both of us settled on the "Farmer's Choice" special. 

Both meals get a thumbs up from us!

Is there a possibility we'll return? Of course! Maybe I'll bring my mom and aunt (when she visits in May) next time. Might as well add this place to my list of MUST VISITS for an all important occasion. 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Surprisingly Funny!

 Well I'll be damned. Last night's South Park episode was, just as I predicted, funny (for a Tegridy Episode). They had a mix of comedy and seriousness in this episode, which was a really good balance! And while this episode isn't as good as the last 2 we've gotten, it's one of the first GOOD Tegridy episodes I've seen in almost 4 years. So I give "Japanese Toilets" a 7.5\10

Your thoughts on the episode, dad?

I wonder if Matt & Trey spent some of that $900,000,000 they got for Japanese toilets. The whole Oliver Stone / JFK subplot was a bit jarring. Long live "Old Blue!"

Also, while unrelated, I finished coloring THIS in last night. 

I used a screenshot from Bye Bye Greasy for the side view.

Will probably go and do some fine tuning in the back. We'll get Perry done either tonight or this weekend. 
One of my online friends sent me this earlier.

I thought the sexual harassment jokes at the end of the Credigree Weed special drew the line last year. Guess I was wrong!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Weekend Plans

 We've got family visiting on our day off from pantry, which is usually our thrift store Sunday (flea market doesn't open until next month). Mom suggested we go thrifting Saturday after music class? How does that sound? 

Holding Out For A Hero

 I'll admit, 2024 started on strong and continued like that for several months! The following happened during those several months -Star...