Thursday, March 31, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Ready For April

 March went by faster than Sonic the Hedgehog himself! We've got a few Sonic related events to visit soon! 

Found a 4:20 pm showing on the 9th. Pretty sure we can make it.


These totes amazeballs Build A Bears! 

Honestly, they all look a little too...scrawny... But I don't care as long as they're on my bed or shelf, that's what matters.

Anyways, back to editing for me :D

(PS: The caption in that Insta post was for an upcoming episode of my LPS show. Just thought I'd throw that out there).

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Getting Scrappy With It

 Currently in need of more scrap book paper! 

They seem to have some really good options at Michaels! (yes there's more than just these)

Thing is, I use these slips of paper for backgrounds in my LPS videos! (And other LPSTubers do the same) and I seem to have found the backgrounds I want\need atm. Maybe we could stop by next weekend since we're pretty booked this week. 

Hobby Lobby also has some great options too! And for only 69 CENTS!!!!!

Well...We'll be right by one on sundae night! Too bad they're closed on that day. 🙁

But this place isn't! (I'm pretty sure you get the hint about dinner on Sunday, Dad).

Actually, a "hint" would have been subtle. 😁
I'll try to get episode 3 out before dad gets home from work so he can work on a project...

Uh-oh! Funko Pop madness:

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: 5 Years In The Making!

 Back when I was 13, I had made a series on YouTube known as "LPS comedy Central." The name stemmed from my obsession with South Park and the fact that it aired on, you guessed it, Comedy Central. 

Also took inspiration from THIS parody video.

Well, the series only lasted 4 episodes before I lost interest completely and focused more on animated content. For years, I've wanted to revive the series in its glory, even planning to introduce a new main character at one point. But alas, I never got around to it....Until now.... 

Check out the snazzy new intro!

Episode 1 drops today! Its about 10 minutes long, but I'll let it upload during school!

Currently working on episode 2!

And don't worry, folks. That Scott Pilgrim series is still in the works. Hell, dad and I will be working on the test pilot this weekend.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: The Collecting Craze

 Ever since I was 3 years old, I've been addicted to buying these animated singing toys from places like Wal-Mart and at the time, Food Lion. But in such time on rare occasions that my dad and I go to Wal-Mart, I turn to EBay for my money-spending needs. Yes, I have a Ramona Flowers plush I plan on ordering soon (if I don't find anything at the flea market this Sunday), but sometimes you've just gotta get back to your roots. 

And what I mean by roots, I mean this guy right here! 

Ain't he a cutie?

These animatronics are what I'm fixated on the most. A company known as "Kids Of America" released a line of these singing lions from the years 2005-2009, each of them singing a variety of songs. I have 4 of these things (not counting an off brand one from another company), but have yet to own any of the smaller lions (such as this one). Maybe we could get back to writing goofy stories about these guys just like the good old days?

And maybe the RETURN of Mr. Puppy and Mr. Other Puppy.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Mariel and Craig VS Stamina

 Got another shift at pantry today. Let's hope I don't overtire myself like last time. 

Plus we've got better plans afterwards...

Meetup was a success, there was big turnout at the bowling alley compared to normal evenings. But I had fun, ordered some chicken fingers (one of them was frickin MASSIVE btw) and fries, and filmed with Vizorr for a bit. Dad and I left earlier than usual though, but maybe when its quieter, we can stay longer next time. 

Some photos of the plush gang last night.

I believe this was my dad's highlight of the meetup. 

Our friend's Marx Bros inspired fursuit "Groucho Barx" (featuring SOMEONE in the background)

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Testing Testing. Is This Thing On?

 Off to a meetup tonight. Dad suggested mom come with us for a bit, but that plan was thrown out the window when we found out grandma was staying the night again. Honestly, idc. I've already recorded some footage about a week ago prior to me actually going to the meet. 

Am getting these at the snack bar!

This is also the first time I'll be filming in public with just three plushies! 

Only Duane, Jimmy Monet, and Shannon will be attending...

Now to call Vizorr and make sure they're still coming. If not, I'll still film either way.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Totally NOT Ripping Anything Off

 Another idea popped into my head last night. 

Just your typical camp disaster story. Nothing special.

I found the right audio for the test animation before working on the actual pilot\first episode. 

Audio starts at 0:24 and ends at 0:41

Honestly thank GOD its Friday! I've got the meetup tomorrow and cheapskate night on Sunday. Will see how well that goes! 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Testing The Waters

 Planning on doing a test animation for the Scott Pilgrim series. I re-watched Burger Boss and thought it would be a good idea to start off with a conversation between Kim and Ramona. This picture being one of the sketches I made yesterday. 

Basically, we'll just rip audio from the episode and have dad kind of test the waters with animating the characters. These tests will likely be worked on over the weekend, specifically after pantry since I have my meetup on Saturday. Though we could try getting some hours beforehand? We shall see...
Enjoy this animation I made almost a year ago. ^^

For future reference

Buckle up, dad. Cuz tonight we're working on Ramona Flowers. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Scripting Is A Breeze

 Dad and I managed to get the first script or our SP series finished. This one being... 

I started on "Kim Pine VS The Addiction" shortly after dad clocked out for the night, but got tired when I got to the part where we find out she messed her hands up or whatever. Got some more drawings coming to "The Man From E.G.G." so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Also posting these for archival purposes... 

Glee's earworm song covers struck again. Another episode idea has come to fruition! 
Honestly...Ramona has started to grow on me a bit.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: "How Original"

 Another SP episode popped into my head just as I was about to fall asleep last night. Its basically a parody of the "Burger Boss" episode of Bob's Burgers, but change a few plots around and make the entire episode Scott Pilgrim. 

Attempted to make my own logo! Woohoo!

So far, I have 2 ideas for the episode

Plot: Sex Bob-Omb has a concert on Saturday, and they have very little time to prepare (I mean, if you were given a 6 day notice, you'd panic too...Or is that just me?) However, there is a....Minor bump in the road that keeps the band from practicing as a unit. I'll leave it to all of you to connect the dots.

Then I had one scene where the other band members were doing that bottle flip challenge from 5 years ago. 

Not gonna lie, I've been a gamer of 9 years and I'm genuinely shocked that my hands aren't all fucked up like Bob's in the episode. 

"Its just a cramp." *proceeds to struggle to grab a glass of water*

UPDATE: got our first email from Budsies! Looks like they're picking out Jason's fabric right now and working on the "shape" 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Scott Pilgrim VS The _____

 Dad and I have currently brainstormed 2 episodes of the animated series. 

Just messed around on Picsart and well...Here you go!

Sadly, we couldn't get around to any actual storyboarding last night, since I had completely tired myself out from work. Or...In this case, overworking myself. We had a full 17 orders to fill AND deliver yesterday, and with the help of the local "Y.E.S. Group", we got that done. But dad and I still had to run back and forth to the stock room to get some canned goods, most of them being all the way in the back where we couldn't find them. 

One of the pet peeves of overtiring myself is, it isn't your "normal" definition of overtired. See, my epilepsy meds are meant to calm the nervous system, in term, making me tired 99% of the time, and that extra work yesterday made it EVEN worse! Wound up clocking out at 9:00 pm and woke up at 7:00 am. 

I'm not on epilepsy meds, so what's my excuse? 😜

The pilgrimage continues!


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: The Scott Pilgrimage.

 I had posted some Scott Pilgrim drawings made by my dad a few minutes ago. His turned out really good for a first attempt, will see if the two of us can draw more today after pantry. :D 

Pretty obvious hint as to who will be next on who I want dad to practice on.... 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Back From The Dead

 Finally gonna get back to work on my Home Movies project. There's, you guessed it, another snippet of Coach MCGuirk that needs to be worked on. Its a scene where he's being towed away (thanks to crashing into the Small's garage door). Then I have some animated scenes I'll be working on with Walter and Perry. 

So mom and I are going to a craft show around the corner from our house, shortly after she and dad take care of some important stuff. Now my buddy, Phil goes to these craft shows, so there IS a possibility that I'll see him there!

Update: Craft show was a bust :( At least dad and I have pantry tomorrow, followed by possibly going out to a restaurant that pops claims he "goes to all the time!"

Will post this on "The Man From E.G.G." tomorrow.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Let There Be Fish!

 The family and I are grabbing some fish fry dinners this evening from a local church around the corner. We got some a couple of weeks ago, and Mimi didn't quite take a liking to the fish. She did like the rye bread and butter. Hey! No butter for Mimi!

What your average fish fry dinner would look like.

I've also taken a liking to the mac salad. Guess its more than just a failed password to unblock the Fox Network. (Whoever gets the reference besides my dad, I applaud you). 

Oh yeah. And I ordered Jason last night, as well as submitting my name to their free birthday program where they'll send you some sort of gift on your birthday. I had no clue that was a thing until yesterday. Won't find out what the gift will be for another let's see.... 8 months? 

Perhaps we could work on more ref sheets tonight, dad?

Is THIS celery?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Happy Shamrock Day!

 Another holiday I don't celebrate, mostly cuz I'm not Irish. Plus in these times, if you were to celebrate as a Non Irish, you'd most likely get cancelled. 

How us "Hillbilly Americans" would celebrate

So I found out that new seasons of South Park will now contains 6 episodes and 2 specials to fill in for the remaining slots. I really don't have high hopes for this season's "finale" as its Tegridy related, and the last Tegridy episode we got was pretty bad. But who knows? Maybe it'll be a good episode? 

Not as good as ordering a brand new Budsie!

Time for a Fenton Cherry III cartoon!

The computer is yours after I finish my review. Which shouldn't take too long as this episode is pretty meh so far. 

Update: Season finale wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...At least up until the ending which I won't spoil. 
Look! Mariel finally did a face reveal on YouTube!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Return of the Cheapskates!

 Dad had initially sent me an Arthur related post via a draft on here. But when I tried to add in my two cents, it got deleted. (Could you please post that here so I can see what it was?)

I saw this creepy graphic of Arthur waving, but it wouldn't "loop" here on blogger, so I bailed.  

Here's the article it is from.

So mother and I have the dentist today (they'll always find SOMETHING to nag about despite us doing a good job.) But the best part is we'll be going to Savers afterwards!

But....What does this have to do with cheapskates? (Other than the thrift store).

Well, owing to me finding a copy of the first Balto movie at my library, I thought it would be fitting for dad and I to do another cheapskate night on Sunday (followed by ice cream afterwards depending on our budget.) This time, the grocery store of choice will be Dollar General. 

Whaddya say, pops? \j

Balto? Fine. Dollar Store Chili? Never again!

Who would wanna turn down the opening of FROSTY BAR on Sunday?

SAVERS HAUL: Due to me having a short budget this time around, I was only able to afford one item. That being....
I initially saw a different Build A Bear that I wanted, a pastel colored leopard, but just as I was snooping around, I stumbled upon this bunny here! I surrendered the leopard in hopes of finding her again eventually. Plus I'm trying to expand my bunny collection at the moment, and with Easter on the horizon, it was a steal. 

I've decided to name her Leanna. 

1) It suits her in my opinion.
This channel was my top priority in the years (2017-2019)
(plus they're a guilty pleasure of mine, what else is there to say?)

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: Time Flies

 Other than the fact I need to scrounge up over a hundred dollars for a Weird Al concert in May, (tickets are $86 each), We're currently celebrating a very special birthday. 


Hard to believe but....Belle is already 5 YEARS OLD! It feels like just YESTERDAY my mom and I found her at the pet store and adopted her only 2 days later at 4 months old. Ah, memories.... 

Mimi tries to join in.

Awww yes, a picture of both would be cute for the blog 💗

Cute shot! Mimi is a little blurry but that's fine.

This photo op is really cute so far! Well uh...Its about to go downhill. 

O...Okay, girls. Break it up please! I need to get some more photos!


*fighting intensifies*

Had to break it up when Belle pinned Mimi to the ground and tried to gum her.

Sooooo yeah. Happy birthday, Belle. Sorry Mimi ruined the photo shoot....That or she made it even more memorable.

Can we PLEASE see it when it comes out? But of course!

Dad Joke Corner:

"I wish math would grow up and solve its own problems!"

Monday, March 14, 2022

Daddy Daughter Days: How The Mighty Have Fallen

 Trailer for the new South Park episode just dropped while I was OOC. Sadly, M&T seemed to have gone back to their weed humor. 

Maybe Butters will make up for the shitty jokes? 

So mom and I had to run some errands today, just a trip to the pet store and other things. But we wound up stopping at BK on the way home. Mom got a whopper with cheese and I got my Ch'King sandwich. 

That hit the spot.
Now to get crackin' on some movies.

It was "Pi Day" here at work, so they held the first-ever Pie-Baking contest.  I was amazed at the number of entrants.  They had slices of pie for sale at $1 a pop.  I threw a buck in the bucket and grabbed a hunk of classic apple pie.  It was good.

Holding Out For A Hero

 I'll admit, 2024 started on strong and continued like that for several months! The following happened during those several months -Star...