Friday, December 31, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Our Final Hours

 This is it, everyone. 2021 will be drawing to a close. This has without a doubt been the first time in a long time that I've had a year free from petty teen drama. There are a lot of great things that happened to me and my father this year, but there are too many things to list. 

So as noted a few days ago, I will be spending the day with my mom tonight. Then on Sunday, father and I will be going to see Sing 2. I've seen small clips people have uploaded off of their smart phones and Sing 2 definitely seems like a promising film. 

Then there's the Porsha simps that are putting in their 2 cents (Nothing against them)

Father and I saw the first movie in theaters 5 years ago, back when my mom and I migrated from the Carolinas to our current residency. The first Sing movie was pretty good! I'll let my dad give his 2 cents on what he remembers from the first movie. Until then... Time to get to work on Home Movies REVAMPED once again.

See you in 2022

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: New Year's Eve Eve

 So father is off from work for the rest of the week! With that, we have one thing planned for today.

To get in touch with the lady from the flea market. 

See, back when I first got one of my Beanie Babies from her this past Summer, she and my dad exchanged numbers since she said she had other AATC plushies on her, just not in her booth at that time. It was until a few nights ago where we got a text from her saying "Hi! I have some chipmunk plushies for you!" At first, my dad and I were confused as to who the heck was texting us, so my dad texted her back asking who she was before getting the response "We met at the flea market last Summer." And that's where it hit us. 

So with that, we're gonna contact her later today and see what we can set up. 

Cute chipette photo for your pleasure ^^

Update: Vendor was busy this weekend, we're aiming to meet up on Monday. She said she has all 3 (Not sure if she is referring to the chipmunks or chipettes, either way I'll be taking them.)

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: PLEASE LET ME STAY HOME!

 There are two things I'm feeling right now. Emotionally drained, and tired. I had to run errands with my mom practically ALL day! And I'm practically PRAYING that I stay home today. At this point all I'm looking forward to is my outing with mom on Friday and the theater on Sunday. That's practically the only thing keeping my alive as well with that teeny little shrivel of hope that's left in me. 

Then dad and I are also meeting a vendor we saw at the flea market this season. She said she had some AATC plushies for us to look at (bought a Theodore from her for $5) so we're gonna schedule time for us to meet up and look at these plushies to add to my collection. 

Well, given that mom's car is in the shop, there's a good chance you're not going anywhere today.  Oh, and it needs new ball joints so... 😢😥😦😩😫😭😭😭

Mother broke the news to me. Fingers crossed we still get to see Sing 2! If not then there's always next weekend. 

Speaking of Sing 2, the theater by our house just posted their Sunday showtimes for the movie. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: More Early 2000s Culture

 Father linked another Adult Swim recording yesterday. So I watched it to see what I had in store. So let's get to it!

First was the Home Movies episode "Class Trip" which was pretty funny in and of itself. Basically Brendon and his friends are shooting a movie, but they need to shoot the remainder of the scenes during their field trip to a hotel. Plot twist, Paula will be helping Mr. Lynch keep charge of the kids. So our trio have to be extra sneaky around the adults. B plot was Coach MCGuirk trying to get a job, but due to a very poor background check, he uses Brendon's identity to land a job at a coffee shop. Pretty funny episode! (10\10) 

Another thing with this episode is that I've recently been fixated on the character, Clarice. Sooo....

Next was Sealab 2021. Had pretty high expectations for this one since its one of the "OG Adult Swim shows" and a cult classic among many. Sadly, the show didn't really catch me. So it was basically another space ghost story, show seemed great, just didn't really care for it. (5.5\10)

After that was "The Brak Show." A spin off of Space Ghost! Didn't know what I was gonna get into for this one. But the episode I watched was about Brak being pressured by Zorack to get rid of his plush lobster named Hippo. Strange name...I know, but that's on Brak. After Zorack trashes the stuffie, Brak goes through what I can identify as a mid-life crisis. (I think) Great show! (9\10) 

PS Zorack is my favorite character... 

Finally, there was a Harvey Birdman episode. I've heard about this show once or twice in the past. So I had no clue what I was getting into, much like The Brak Show. In this episode, Harvey is in a court case against Droopy the dog. Droopy apparently got plastic surgery (went horribly wrong) and he loses the case against the surgeon (who Harvey is representing.) After this case, Harvey is promoted to Vice President while the plastic surgeon spends the rest of the episode as a walking salesman. Throughout the episode, Harvey feels bad for Droopy and wishes that he could have won the case. I won't spoil the ending for you, but it is really funny. Would I watch this show again? YEAH! (10\10) 

The last few minutes of the tape were episodes of "Cowboy Bebop" which I skipped due to it probably having one big storyline and not wanting to be spoiled. So there's my review!  

Monday, December 27, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Ending The Year With A Bang

 So 2022 is slowly but surely approaching, and I'm sure a lot of us are eager to enter the new year in hopes the pandemic will end. Well I have a pretty jam packed week. Today I'm visiting a relative and Friday I'll be spending the day with my mom. But nothing stacks up more than the weekend with my dad. Why? 

We're going to see Sing 2!

Now the last time we've gone to the movies was back in April for the anniversary showing of Scott Pilgrim VS The World. But I wanted to have a movie day with just me and my dad. Father was concerned about mom being upset from being left out. So we came up with a pitch that I could spend the day with her on Friday, and Saturday or Sunday, dad and I can see Sing 2. 

I asked mom if it'd be ok with her, but she simply said she didn't have patience with cinemas nowadays, basically saying yes. 

Another thing I'm working on is buying some Adult Swim VHS recordings to play on the VCR. I specifically found one containing the Home Movies episode "Politics" on EBay. Seller wants $25 for the tape plus tax and free shipping. Will take the plunge :D

Did someone say "Adult Swim?"

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: The Journey Beyond!

 So I got "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD" for my Nintendo Switch yesterday. Now I know a lot about this game, because I had the original on the Nintendo Wii! Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess were my introduction to the mysterious world of Hyrule and all it has to offer. 

This game allegedly takes place "where it all began" when Link first started his adventure saving Zelda and defeating weird creatures. But instead of riding atop our favorite horse known as "Epona" we rely on a loftwing for transportation in the skies above. 

What? No Epona?!?!?

Playing this game on my switch brought back a LOT of fond memories. I remember spending hours on my Wii every day before, during breaks, and after school, just to see what would come next. My mom never really said anything about it since I would often switch between the Wii and the computer in our small family room at our old house. 

Sadly, with the original Wii copy, I only made it to the sand temple and never figured out how to solve it. So I consider this a second chance. 

But at least we have the adorable little remlits! (Just don't cross one at night.)

So father and I are mostly gonna go couch potato mode today and just relax. We have one project today, and that is to swap out my Xbox 360 for get this... a VCR! Yeah, I've been finding some Adult Swim VHS tapes on Ebay and have wanted to buy them for myself. My dad kept our old VCR and we plan on installing it in my bedroom. 

After some potating on the couch, I did a few chores. (1) I finally installed a new door sweep on our side entrance door. (2) Cleaned some incipient mildew on the wall by the shower. (3) Installed the VCR in the daughter's bedroom. Bonus: We were able to keep the Xbox 360.

Then its time for CHINESE FOOD! (Someone wanted McDonalds instead. Not sayin' who...)

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: "Merry F**kin Christmas"

 Merry Christmas, dear viewers! Today we celebrate not only the birth of you guy's Lord and Savior, but we also get to celebrate love, family, AND PRESENTS!

My gift pile from mother and father.

We don't really have too many big plans, just visiting with my grandma and having dinner, that's really about it. More presents will be flying in soon, I'm sure. So the full gift pile will be complete at some point. 

So I got to video chat with one of my long time friends for the first time! It was really fun talking to someone you've known for 4 years outside of texting. Will we do it again? There's a very high chance.

Now it is time to watch a very underrated and hilariously bad Christmas movie. 

In the words of Mr. Garrison. I would like to wish you all a Merry F**king Christmas. 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Christmas Eve

 Christmas Eve. The day where most people of religion head to their church to talk about the birth of Jesus. That was me and my family for years! Alas, my parents usually are the only ones to attend church now since I'm an atheist. I have, however, stepped up to watch the kids during nursery while tonight's service is up and running because of 2 things.

1) I enjoy taking care of the little ones. I actually used to help out with children's church at one of my old churches.

2) Mother promised a raise in my salary.

I have a video call with a friend prior to the service, so that's something I'm looking forward to. But before and after that, I might just blob out and do some more drawing while watching Adult Swim tape recordings...

On the topic of that..

I found an old recording of the Home Movies episode "I Don't Do Well In Parent Teacher Conferences" but there's a twist, this recording was the ACTUAL PREMIERE of the episode when it first aired on UPN. The audio quality was a little off since this was an old recording. But at the ending was a trailer for the next episode, The Art Of The Sucker Punch. Needless to say, I almost jumped out of my seat. 

I'll admit, the trailer was actually well made for a show that (at the time) had very low ratings.

One more thing.... 

Next Budsie in development ;p

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: A Taste Of Early 2000s Culture

 Coming as someone from this particular era, I thought it'd be a fun idea to do a review of some Adult Swim cartoons I watched last night.

My father and I first started off with some Space Ghost. The first episode was ok, though the pacing was a bit slow in my opinion. But the second one was REALLY enjoyable. I'll give it an 8\10.

Next up was Aquateen Hunger Force. I've heard a LOT about this show over the years, in fact, a good friend of mine is a HUGE fan of the show, even having her own OC that she cosplays and makes videos of on TikTok. 

So the first episode was about Carl trying to sell a house, but the house itself is in REALLY bad condition.... Like...Really bad, there's literally a hole in the floor with slices of pizza surrounding it. A family of robots wind up getting the house, and they overall act like a bunch of idiots. Pretty funny episode (7\10)

The second episode has to be my favorite of the show thus far. Our friend, Meatwad is in search of a job, he eventually lands a gig at a car wash, but as one of those guys that dresses up in a costume and tries to get the attention of passing cars. Won't spoil  the rest of it, but there ya go. (10\10) 

Next up was the Home Movies episode "Director's Cut" from season 1. I'm typically not too into season 1 as I didn't like the use of Squigglevision, that was more of a Dr. Katz thing. But this episode is one of my favorites (Along with The Art Of The Sucker Punch and I Don't Do Well In Parent-Teacher Conferences.) The whole joke where Brendon slowly loses his sanity after Melissa and Jason are no longer working on "Louie Louie" with him was probably my favorite part in the episode. Kind of reminds me of my own brain.... 

There were some live action shows that played for a few minutes, which came off as good background noise while I was chatting with friends in my Home Movies server. 

Then came the last show (or part of it) that I watched before starting a call with my best friend. 

Now I had mostly heard a TON of bad things about this show, specifically in the animation. Which does look like it was animated in MS Paint. (I know how THAT is.) But it does add to the charm of the show. 

The half of the full episode I watched was about the mouse character (Fitz?) playing a pinball game and trying to decode a secret language behind it... That's all I've seen before having to clock out so I could do my call. 

So far, 12 Oz. Mouse is pretty good! Has kind of a Dr. Katz feel... (7.5\10)

So after 12 Oz. Mouse was a Bob's Burgers episode. It was about Linda having the worst birthday ever, with her accidentally locking her purse, keys, and cell phone in the car. Chaos ensues! Pretty great episode (9\10)

After that was King of the Hill's "Propaniacs." Man is this episode a cult classic in our house! Father and I spent the entire duration laughing our asses off. Basically, Bobby wants to go to a comedy camp, but Hank declines his interest (in typical Hank Hill fashion). But after Bobby winds up getting a job at Strickland Propane, he then entertains a group of angry customers thanks to Dale starting a riot. After this, the Propaniacs were born!

The final few minutes of the tape were some more Aquateen episodes! The first being some episode where Master Shake had some cell phone deal or something, can't remember all the details since I was working on my next Budsie reference sheet for an OC of mine. But father and I got a good laugh out of Meatwad's interest in wanting to milk a cow... 

The second and final show on the tape was an Aquateen episode where Meatwad reads his latest graphic novel to Master Shake. Pretty silly stuff, but I'm sure you'll all enjoy it. (10\10)

This recording had a lot of good gems! Will see if father can dig up some more so he and I can watch them during some drawing sessions. 

We do have a project for Sunday though, so that should be exciting!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Time To Spend Some Money!

I'm a mere $20 away from ordering my next Budsie, Jimmy Monet. Just needed to tweak his reference sheet a little since the last one I used didn't exactly show the detail indicators. 

Another thing worth mentioning is that Sing 2 is coming to theaters today! I saw a few clips that somebody uploaded to YouTube. 

Small spoilers ahead!

I'd say from what I've seen, my favorite character is Porsha, Jimmy Crystal's daughter. From what I've seen, at first she's just your run of the mill spoiled and entitled daddy's girl, but it seems like she does change throughout the movie! And that's something I really like! Especially her actress and  one of my FAVORITE singers, Halsey. The cover of "Could've Been Me" is stunning! Can't wait to see this movie in theaters after the holidays. 

Something interesting is that this movie made me wanna get Happy Meals again. 

Looks like we need to make a stop at our local McDonalds soon!

Sad update: Looking like only Canada and other select countries are releasing Sing 2 plastic figures while we get cheapy paper toys. What?!?!? Paper Happy Meal toys?!?!?

Yeah. Apparently McDonalds wants to phase out plastic happy meal toys and replace them with reusable cardboard\paper ones in favor of being more "environmentally friendly." Very sad :( But I know they're just trying to help the earth. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: What's The Point?!

 So I have to run an errand with my mom this morning, leading it to have a good chunk of school be THROWN out the window until later today. So why call it a school day in the first place?! 

So I spent most of yesterday drawing while coming up with a new but semi hilarious idea for a Home Movies episode. I'm considering doing an episode where a new student\school bully is transferred to Brendon's school, the catch is he's bigger and stronger than Shannon. Leading our "criminal element" to be either the scapegoat or victim of bullying in some scenarios throughout the episode. This episode will also introduce Shannon's friend, Mitch. 

This guy. (voiced by the late Mitch Hedberg)

Won't spoil too much here, but this episode will surely be interesting to write. In terms of our one time character in this episode, all I know is that the new bully is going to be named "Ben" (In reference to Ben Katz.) and I have yet to work on a design, that's something father and I can experiment with tonight maybe...

Hotdiggetydemon (Max G) rules!

And remember...

Monday, December 20, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: "Trust The Process" They Say!

 So I just posted what will be my longest YouTube video! But let me tell ya, when I say it took a little over 10 hours, it did... But as they always say, "Trust The Process." I wound up doodling the Home Movies characters updating on how much time left until the video finished uploading. 

Good thing is I have only 3 days of school this week before going on Christmas break! My best friend and I were gonna do script writing last night, but our schedules got effed (And cuz of the damn video) so he messaged me saying that it had slipped his mind that day and we could write whenever I was ready. Will probably shoot for Wednesday after my appointment with "Dr. Katz."

Here's another little doodle I made. 

I'll have father provide context on this one, since he came up with the joke. 

Basically, these two would do a video reviewing a new electric guitar, like the one linked below.  The punchline is that compared to the plushies, the guitar is 'way too big.  Funny, no?

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Time To Be Frugal.

 Now that we've done our fairly expensive partying (It really wasn't expensive at all, just throwin that for laughs) it is now time for dad and I to commence our cheapskate day! 

What's a cheapskate day you ask? 

Well, father and I will stop at a grocery store. (Usually Dollar Tree) and pick up some dinner for us! Today, we will be going to the local PriceRite for our meal (Plus their claw machine out front is always a few extra points in my book. Good thing I have some extra singles from last night.) So that's at least something.

So about that party... Here are some photos me, with the company of a new friend I made (Shoutout to Vizorr) for hanging out with me and helping with the pictures. 

My prize from "Christmas Chaos" which I later traded for some coloring books and colored pencils


He already had cheese sticks at that point

Being sneaky


Might wanna get that checked out

Shannon's winnings from last night's gambling- I mean claw machine game

He wants a few cold ones.

Couldn't be festive without Lil Miss Hunny Bunny

Very photogenic

I sadly, don't have any good footage of Shannon misunderstanding song lyrics. But maybe a "Poke Her Face" video is in order?

Will update tonight with our thoughts on meals. 


I had purchased some "Nathan's Famous" cheese sticks. By appearance, I at first thought they weren't cooked all the way, but when I took a bite, they actually tasted really good! Alas, that was the only thing I purchased this time around, next time I'll get a bigger and better meal. (10\10)

I bought a pound of the grass-fed ground beef as we already had all the other fixin's for chili at home. Oh, and also two mini-pecan pies for dessert. 10/10!

One good outcome was that I actually won a Squishmallow out of their claw machine! 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: String Up The Lights And Light Up The Tree!

 Its one busy Saturday. I have my Christmas party at 8:00 pm with my fursuiting buddies, my dad and I are gonna head to grandma's house because he needs to fix the faucet (I think.) I'm also gonna buy one last gift to put in my gift bag for the "Christmas Chaos" gift exchange tonight. Mother said she can't lend us any extra money for the snack bar, so I'll just use my own money because it would be best that we wait until cheapskate night tomorrow.

My plan is father and I will be taking our new route to get TO the furmeet and take our normal route back. 

Father and I plan on doing cheapskate night at the PriceRite just down the street from here. (In the same plaza as 5 Below) We've gone to this location before where I got a 5-cheese calzone which tasted really good! Dad got some marshmallows to make more rice krispie treats (Which not gonna lie, I am kind of PMSing for) But I am on the hunt for these Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes. 

Thanks, TikTok. 
Will these trees live up to the hype? Only time will tell!

Also keep an eye out for the Home Movies Plush slideshow! It will be released in a week from now. 

One last thing worth noting... 


Friday, December 17, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: South Park Post Covid (Part 2)

The following....I have yet to watch in full. But those who have allegedly "uploaded" the full episode will provide you a link to a site called "Webfullfilm" since none of my other pirating sites have part 2.

Don't worry. My best friend and I plan on watching it via Discord call sometime around New Years or earlier.

But there is ONE thing I'm aware of. My dad binging the latest season of Aggretsuko. 

Thoughts on the new season, father?

I'm about half-way through this series.  There's a real  season 2 & 3 vibe of "The Office", which is welcome.  So far not so much death metal from Restsuko, but it does figure into the second half.  Down-sizing and personnel shake-ups are figuring into the mix.  Can't wait to see what comes next!

I do know that the second South Park special is on Kisscartoon. A couple of my friends were able to watch it from there, but the site has been giving me and my dad issues, but I'll try to get around them. 

Here's a write-up at the A.V. Club, if that helps.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: The Good, The Bad, And The Cursed.

 So my best friend and I were talking about our "Christmas headcannons" for the Home Movies characters. Like how Jason would put baby yoda in he manger in place of baby Jesus, Brendon would be writing a list of all the camera equipment he wants, much to the annoyance of Paula, and Melissa be a a teeny bit skeptical of the thought of a fat man that isn't Coach MCGuirk going house to house to deliver presents. 

The conversation kind of lasted until late at night, due to my mom occupying herself with various Christmas specials. 

On the topic of Home Movies, I was watching the animatic for the season 3 episode, Guitarmageddon. And boy are these things a joy to watch, not only because we get to see the effort it takes to put an episode together, but to also find some really goofy freezeframes. Like the following: 

Off to a great start with a sketch of the TV set logo. 
"Did you sign up yet?"
This frame makes me wanna ask some questions.... \j
Jason looks a in this frame....

What's the logic of these frames?!
Which one is Duane again? Is he the one in the front? \j

And that's all of em.... I have more but they're saved on my tablet. 

There's also an animatic for another one of my favorite episodes, "Politics." but that will be shown at a later date. 

Here's the full animatic 

Holding Out For A Hero

 I'll admit, 2024 started on strong and continued like that for several months! The following happened during those several months -Star...