Sunday, April 30, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: NEW RECORD!

 We were only at pantry for a measly 45 mins since there were a lot of volunteers today. Now would be a good time to treat ourselves to some $5 dollar meal deals at McDonalds! 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Color Me Impressed!

 We got 3 Cyberchase episodes last night and all of them were REALLY good compared to last week's. Sadly, "Trees Please" saw another absence of Hacker, but the two parter gave him a b-plot that you know, ACTUALLY contributed to the conflict in the main story! So yeah. All 3 were really good, and I can't wait to see what else happens.

PS: I have a Cyberchase related video coming to my channel...Someday. 

Anyways care to share your thoughts, dad?

I'm having a hard time warming up to these episodes. The "family" segments are really undercutting the original premise of the squad solving problems using math and science. 

"Encryptor chip? What encryptor chip?"

Still, it's good to see new episodes being made. Ron Pardo is getting better as Digit, or I'm just getting used to Ron Pardo.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: A Friendly Reminder!

 New Cyberchase episode tonight at 8:00! I'll need you to record it tonight on the ol' VHS tape!

In other words...

After I use up this one, I'm gonna stock up on more blanks. Luckily there's still that one person on Craigslist who has 41 tapes for $25. 

UPDATE: Tonight's Cyberchase recording will start earlier than anticipated! There will be a PBS Kids Family Night featuring the two part special "Weather or Not" starting at 7:00 until 7:30. The episode "Trees Please" will follow shortly after at 8:00! The previously mentioned two parter will introduce us to Jackie's family! 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Has It Really Been 30 YEARS?!

 American Girl has been known for releasing HISTORICAL dolls. By that I mean dolls based off characters that were born during things like The Great Depression for example. This year's "historical" dolls left a lot of people scratching their heads. 

Nikki and Isabel Hoffman are two twin girls from the 90s as part of American Girl's "Historical" lineup. I have no hate towards this particular collection because come on, these dolls and accessories are ADORABLE (I'd love to have an inflatable chair like that in real life). But seriously? Are the 90s really that historical at this point? And last year's historical doll was from the 80s! 

Tbh I do kind of want Nikki (The one with the brown hair and lime green headphones)

The dial up internet on the IBM PC? Relatable!

If they wind up doing 2000s historical dolls next year, my wallet will have nothing but cobwebs in it... Which reminds me, I'll be ordering my first AG doll soon! (Mom says probably this weekend).

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Cooped Up

 For a second, I needed to remind myself that today was WEDNESDAY! Finally get to stay home and work on projects without ANY disruptions! 

Unless it's my friends messaging me about something.

FYI: Ordering Chrissa tomorrow :)

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: A Satisfying Thrift

 Went to what my father and I call "The Betterwill" which is a Goodwill with a lot of higher end items. And by high end, I mean REALLY high end! They had Victoria's Secret clothes for crying out loud! And take a look at this shirt I got to use as a pajama top. 

Would you believe me when I told you that this was from SHEIN of all places?!

This is my second ever Shein brand of clothing that I've found at a thrift store (the other being my BabyGirl sweatshirt from Amvets). And we even got dad another pair of pants! So yeah, I think we can all agree that this Goodwill is THE place to buy clothes secondhand. 

We can swing by on our way to or from Fluffalocon next month! Right across from the Sunny's Diner too, dad! 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: The Fan-ily Feud!

 Yesterday was one of those rare occasions where we got to sit back and tune into Fox29. We usually don't watch it often because most of our favorite shows are usually interrupted by sports or Daytona 500 (sorry, Joseph). But last night was different. We got to tune in to a MODERN Simpsons episode. 

I've only watched what we call "Classic Simpsons" which is basically the pre-movie era. I've only watched a couple of modern Simpsons episodes but they're hit or miss in my opinion. Believe me, last night's episode blew everything out of the water!

"Fan-ily Feud" was basically the writers digging at toxic fan bases of popular artists. It was funny...In a fucked up way. Lisa was just SO out of character here as she teams up with a group of power hungry fans to get revenge on Homer because *gasp* he talked bad about her favorite singer?! We see Homer getting cancelled left and right by people in town and online. He meets up with the singer's competitor and, well...It's a mess.

Despite Lisa's change in character, I found these to be one of the better modern Simpsons episodes because of how crazy the plot was! As someone who practically LIVES on the internet, it was great to see a show make fun of the very things that I fear about it (cancel culture and toxic fanbases). I thought it was a good episode and I regret not recording it on VHS.

So weird that Lisa, Marge and Bart all seem to gang up on Homer for the most ridiculous of reasons. That Bart would disown his own verbatim quote and be terrified of a bunch of fangirls just doesn't scan. That Lisa, the snobbish jazz aficionado would pull a Louise (Boys 4 Now) Belcher is even more unlikely. And those idiotic music videos? Spare me!!!  

Unrelated topic but is anyone here interested in bottom of the barrel church Easter plays based off of popular media?! 

We've got shows and movies that go from Star Trek (Sheldon Cooper would probably hate watch that one) to The Lion King, and their most RECENT production which has yet to surface online, Beauty and the Beast. Featuring a cesspool of FILLER and unnecessary musical numbers. 

If you're willing to sit through these like me, in the words of Scar... "Be Prepared." 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Our Summer Project!

 My dad always has SOME project to do over the Summer. And since I'm an adult with adult money, I think I found what might be the next project! 

I bet you're about to say "Looks like a regular dresser to me." But this is actually an AG 3 in 1 murphy bed! Seller on Marketplace is asking $20 and says (and you can see this in the photo) that the paint has been chipping and describes it as "TLC." Maybe this year's summer project can be us repainting this for the Chrissa doll? (Depending on if this has sold yet by then and if I have the money past Tuesday for the set). 

Just a thought. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Let There Be Trash...Wait WHAT?!

 Cyberchase premiered its 14th season last night on PBS stations. Their first episode "Clean Up On Isle 8" believe it or not, was surprisingly good! Since it's Earth Day this weekend, we got an earth centered lesson. Which was ok, though I'm not in the age group that the show was meant for. Speaking of EARTH, we finally got to see our first glimpse of Inez's family. I wouldn't really call this the A plot. Yes this starts at the beginning of the episode, but once Inez teams up with her friends in Cyberspace, it isn't mentioned again until halfway through the mission! Oh yeah, and Hacker is nowhere to be seen despite being, I don't know, THE MAIN ANTAGONIST?!

The episode has its flaws, but it's an ok start to the season. And we're gonna see Jackie's family in a few episodes from now (as revealed by the Cyberchase website). Also, Ron Pardo (the new voice for Digit) does an ok job. Though I personally think it might just boil down to something we both just need to adjust to. (When you've been watching for over 10 years, it can be an adjustment.)

Your thoughts, dad?  

Friday, April 21, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Marketplace: The Squeakquel!

 I'm not gonna jinx anything just yet, but I found an AG doll (not Chrissa) on Marketplace for $45. Should I message the seller? Why not? You have the dough-re-mi, right?

We've got a jam packed day tomorrow! Filled with shower heads, the collector's fair, and grandma and I going "halfers" on Chrissa. So if this seller were to get back to us saying the doll was still for sale, we'd have to arrange another day to meet. 

Do we have the meet-up at the bowling alley tomorrow night, too?

We do. But I'm considering not going for YOUR sake. Gonna see if my friend can make it before I give my final decision (per mom's suggestion followed by the "If I were off,  I would take you.") Don't' get any ideas from the previously mentioned quote. 
Screenshot from tonight's Cyberchase episode (the first 4 episodes are already on the official site).

Inez sleeps with plushies? Is that what they call #relatable?

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Lost...Found....Lost Again...FOUND!

 Lost media has always been n interesting subject for me. Some people look for lost merchandise, others look for lost shows\cartoons. For me (and many others in the community), it was a film that had been lost to time for almost 20 years.... 

Now I'm sure everybody and their dead relatives know what Alvin and the Chipmunks is. I grew up with the live action movies *that everyone complains about* and DESPISE the Nickelodeon adaptation. 

But what if I told you that there was another Alvin movie that dates a full 4 years prior to the live action films? Well, in 2003, Bagdasarian Productions created a direct to video movie called "Little Alvin and the Mini Munks" where they used my dad's LEAST favorite cartoon trope...Make the chipmunks babies. (Though, everyone except Eleanor are toddlers\kids in this film). And instead of animation, they went the puppet route which was something I really wouldn't expect. I actually managed to sit through the whole thing in the course of 3 days and it's actually not that bad! 

The plot is simple, Dave drops Alvin and his siblings off to a friend's house for a few days while he has to go on a business trip to do some song writing. Antics then ensue after that. I wouldn't call the songs "bad" since this is geared towards pre-k aged children and I'm uhhhh almost 2 decades past that. They're ok and have more of a feel towards the Saturday morning cartoon from the 80s and 90s (which was the human\chipmunk hybrid design DONE RIGHT). Mini Munks was on YouTube for a while, but recently got taken down due to copyright claims. BUT it is available on!

So if you wanna watch a 20 year old film about talking and singing baby chipmunks? Head to! And let's hope that this movie doesn't get lost again...

Here's the LINK!

Meanwhile, in the distant land of EBay... 

My first AG doll!
I was gonna settle on getting Samantha, but sheesh! The original dolls from the company's humble beginnings are EXPENSIVE (yes, even on EBay). So I'm settling for their Girl of the Year 2009 doll, Chrissa Maxwell. 

I actually had no idea they made a doll for her. I only grew up with the movies (the ones I saw were Chrissa, Makenzie *I think*, Kit, and Samantha). Currently looking at clothes and accessories on Marketplace. But first, I'm gonna blow $65 plus shipping on an over 10 year old doll. Why? Because I'm accomplishing a childhood dream no low income NC family could afford. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Making The Transactions

 Buyer is still interested in the lot. They live farther down from us and we're looking to meet someplace in between. Mom suggested the Pet Supplies Plus where we got Mimi! 

Let's see what would be a good time for BOTH of us seeing as we have a collectors fair at the EHM on Saturday after you install grandma's new shower head. Maybe we could meet BEFORE the collector's fair?

Update: they asked if Friday would work. ...Will it? 

If it's 7:00 or so we can swing it. Unless you & Mom want to do the deed.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Do We Have A Buyer?!

 Mom told me there was someone on marketplace interested in my lot! Let's discuss tonight. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: I Hate Mondays.

So about those desk organizers....

I'd say you'd need at least two, side-by-side! Or maybe just a larger one?

When worlds collide:

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: A BIG Success!

 We woke up bright and early to see "Bluey's Big Play" at the Sheas theater downtown. We planned to leave at around 9:30 so we would get there before it got busy. We got our tickets, passed by the merch table (we didn't buy anything unfortunately because there was no way I'd overpay for something I could get much cheaper at places like Wal-Mart or Target). Went about half an hour admiring the stage design once we got to our seats, I even ran into a friend from my college program and her mom took some photos of us. Then, the show began. 

The show itself played out like your average Bluey episode, albeit extended by an hour and involving the audience of tykes to interact with the characters. The plot itself is what one would expect from Bluey. We got to see the Heeler family go about their day as Bluey and Bingo try to trick their dad, Bandit, into playing with them via hiding his phone. There were a lot of references to previous episodes (Chattermax, Keepy Uppy, and of course, GRANNIES!) You can tell a lot of love and care went into this show from the sets, to even the puppets. Highly recommend seeing this show regardless of how old you are. Bluey is just THAT good! (10\10).

And how about you, dad? I know you haven't seen Bluey as much as I have (and believe me I'll be subjecting you to more of it soon). What are your thoughts on the show? 

I'm a bit outside of the targeted demographic, but I found it to be delightful and well-staged. The choreography of the puppeteers was mind-blowing! 

I'll give it a thumbs-up! 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Some videos For Dad

 Review on the first half of Wordgirl's first season: 

And that Popeye video game remaster (SPOILER ALERT: It's NOT good. Not good at all...)

Too fucking tired to animate today. Probably gonna stick to my Chipette videos since those are *slightly* easier to produce. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Out Cold

 I slept in good today. It was around 9:35 when I woke up. Now to try and think of what I wanna do to be productive of my time while I waited for Sunday to come around. 


Me: *Types in "Scott Pilgrim Unisex Characters"*


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Another Worknight

 Mom has an extra shift tonight. So the house is ours for a few hours. Id say a binging of some Bluey episodes are in order so we can be ready for Bluey's Big Play on Sunday. 

Update: My donation box I have stashed in the basement is full. Was thinking we could try selling it on Marketplace since Barbies are sort of a big seller on almost any shopping platform. Gonna start asking $25 for it. 
Let's review tonite?

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Non Stop

 Dad is calling the box office about our Bluey tickets to get things squared away since we're one of a small group of people that don't own a smartphone (though once I get a stable working job someday, I'll likely put my money aside for THAT). Haven't had time to work on videos because of Non. Stop. Running. 

Tickets will be ready for us to pick up at the will call office. Crisis averted!

I'm going out with my mom and grandma this afternoon because mom wanted to go to a Christian store to get some stuff for her Bible study. Mom also has an extra shift at work tomorrow so we can have the house to ourselves again. Maybe continue watching Lackadaisy? 

Polish and Portuguese versions are available at 

Scored an ULTRA RARE animatronic at the Goodwill today!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Good News and Bad News

 The good news is we got the Barbie house.

...Bad news is it doesn't fit on our card table...

Maybe we can clear off the left-side of computer table to make room. 

A little re-arranging will probably solve this problem. Let's tackle that tonight!

Sounds good. And tell Aunt Kimmie I said thank you for the advice on getting us out of the hellhole that Sheas is dragging us in. Got all my fingers crossed that calling them will get us out of this fucking mess. 

That's what we did at Artpark last year, so we'll probably be OK. I'll call the box office tomorrow and get it all set.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: 2nd Time Is The Charm, Right?

 Or is that third... 

Anyway I found another Barbie house for a similar price on Marketplace. It doesn't come with all of the accessories, but I can easily buy those on eBay as people sell replacement parts all the time on there. Can I shoot them a message this morning? 

Why not, seeing as how the other seller flaked on us.

They're asking $75

Maybe we can do the two-table idea..?

You start looking for tables, I'll look for houses. 
An unofficial map of the Chipette house

On an unrelated note: It seems like one of the Toon Car Racers got his own line of games from the same company! 
Fillmore actually has an entire library of games based off him.

My guess is that the company behind this and ToonCar\Toyland racing wanted to make Fenimore Fillmore become the Mario of their gaming company. And upon watching the 4+ hour game footage, I've gotta say that the graphics are actually really good (especially compared to ToonCar) and there's actually some pretty decent VOICE ACTING in this game!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Happy Easter From The Chipettes!

What have I been doing these last 48 hours? 
Making stop motion animations of chipmunks belting out ABBA songs.

Ok, seriously. Happy Easter. The Chipettes are about to become home owners soon hahaha. 
BONUS: 11 year old me having Easter dinner at a friend's house.

If the cheeseburger meal wasn't an obvious indicator of my autism, I don't know what is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sad update: The Barbie house got sold to someone else :(

Friday, April 7, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Some Call It A "Collab"

 In a few weeks, I will be making a video on my YouTube channel where we will be ranking South Park episodes from worst to best. And dad will be joining as a guest star! See you there :D

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: A Dud?

 I found a Barbie house yesterday on Facebook Marketplace for $80. I messaged the seller saying I was interested and we haven't heard anything back. I checked and it's still listed, so somebody couldn't have already bought it. right? Dad has been keeping an eye out for any replies, so he'll keep me posted.

Maybe you should shoot them another DM about the availability, seeing as how I can't find the message in my feed. Just to reopen the chat. (How about we try that tonight when you get home.)

Anyways I'm becoming fixated on Cyberchase again since the new season is coming out in a couple of weeks. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Mario Day Part 2!

 March 10th was "National Mario Day," and I'd consider today to be a part 2 of sorts because the SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE JUST HIT THEATERS TODAY!!! 

The next few weeks are gonna be PACKED, so going to the movies to see what looks like a masterpiece will need to be put off for a bit. 

Still looking forward to "Sing 3!"

Here's that interview about Dolly Parton

UPDATE: found a new home for The Chipettes! 

Seller Says: "Literally brand new! Barbie dream house. 2 years old, barley used. I still have all the accessories. Plates, silverware, blankets, and everything it came with. I spent close 200, but want to get rid of it! Please give me you best offer!"

Maybe we could message them when you get home from work tonight! They're asking $80 and aren't too far from our neighborhood I think.

We'll monitor FB marketplace to see if we hear back from the seller.

Update: I haven't heard anything back. Check to see if it's still listed, maybe?

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: McGuirk Goes Hunting


Picture me and my friend took at the bowling alley last weekend.

Now to plan my trip to get some Bluey ears. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: Am I Really THAT OLD?!

 I watched "Wreck It Ralph" with the family last night, and I was talking about how I first saw this move when I was 10 or 11, and it hit me...This movie is OVER 10 YEARS OLD!!!! ALREADY?!

Though I WILL give the film credit for introducing me to the Silverman sisters at a young age.

Other famous actors like Jane Lynch (Sargent Calhoun) and get this, MINDY KAILING (Taffyta), were in the movie as well and I didn't even know it until recently (I kind of knew Jane was in the movie, but hearing that Mindy played a part in this was sort of a mind blower for me).

I feel old now....

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Daddy Daughter Days: I Love Rick!

 Well, folks. We finally made it to the season finale! And I can say...Without a single doubt...that this was a MASSIVE upgrade from what we got last year! At first, I was dreading the Trump references given what we had in season 20. But I was pleasantly surprised with how well both plots were in this episode! The b-plot with Randy and Stan was probably the best part for me. 

Before I let my dad give his two cents, I just wanna say how relieved I am to see Matt and trey going back to their roots this season. Let's hope it'll continue with this year's streaming specials. And just like Spring Break itself, I'm giving season 26 a solid 10\10.

And now, a list of all of the episodes ranked (in my opinion)

DinkinBaus Hot Dogs (10\10)

Worldwide Privacy Tour (10\10)

Cupid Ye (10\10)

Spring Break (10\10)

Deep Learning (9.5\10)

Japanese Toilets (7\10)

Take it away, dad!

I agree that this was a pretty solid season.  At six episodes they definitely went for quality over quantity.  I pretty much agree with the above assessment. I'd give the Cupid Ye a slightly lower score, but that's only because I didn't have enough context for the "Cupid Me" call back.

Now, are there two more Paramount Plus "special event" episodes in the pipeline?

In the meantime, good luck with the Casa Bonita re-opening, guys!

Holding Out For A Hero

 I'll admit, 2024 started on strong and continued like that for several months! The following happened during those several months -Star...