Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Its Already Over?

 November went by like the snap of a finger. And tomorrow will not only be the start of December, but my Godmother will be flying in once again. We already have mall plans on Thursday and a few other things as the days follow. We initially planned on going to Cheesecake Factory on Thursday, but I realized that there's a possibility that Jackastors would be open! 

I've only been to this particular establishment twice in my life, and their food was really good! (Highly recommend the pull apart cheese bread) But we'll call the place on Thursday and see if they're open, if not, we got Cheesecake Factory. 

Here's to a new month! :D

Monday, November 29, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Decorations.

 Mother and I will be working on the Christmas tree this morning, and I will be working on more silly fan fictions. 

So, no school this week (ka-ching!) And Godmother will be flying in on Wednesday. Then on THURSDAY, my dad will be leaving to visit his brother by that time. Plans are already being made on both parties. Maybe I can sit back, relax, and play Scott Pilgrim (the video game, not the movie.) 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: What Comes After Dancing Queen?

 Yesterday was the furmeet! Or as I called it, my pre-birthday celebration! Not that many people turned up this time around but I did meet a few newcomers. And you aren't gonna believe this, but my Home Movies plushies actually got recognized by the people attending! Either with admiration for the show, or downright not liking Home Movies all together (but still enjoyed the craftsmanship of Budsies) Here are some highlights. 

Shannon just vibing in the back seat

Quick birthday selfie

Sorry, MKB, you gotta wait 3 more years until you can drink

Joseph taking a selfie with the gang

a quick smooch 🥺🥺🥺

Shannon and Max.

And let's not forget this video of Shannon taking Lady Gaga's ""Poker Face" to a literal degree.

I have plans to get in touch with the person who brought the Max plush with them. Until then, time to celebrate being what I would like to call a "half adult" since I still gotta wait until I'm 21 to drink n such. Full slideshow coming to the Nostalgia Corner, my main channel (not giving out) and my second channel (Also not giving out)

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: F Is For Future!

 So I just started watching the South Park POST COVID Special. A lot of my online friends have written rave reviews on it already, so since I don't have Paramount+, I had to go the risky route and watch a poor quality upload on YouTube (the special isn't available on Kimcartoon yet, folks)


So we're in a 40 year time skip, the pandemic is almost over, all shops and diners have been changed with either "Max" or a plus sign slapped on like a sticker (For instance, South Park Elementary Plus) and most interesting of them all, our kids are now adults in their mid 30-40s. Stan has become a drunk and depressed man, with the company of his friend Alexa (I.E. the Alexa app, which is a hologram of a woman in this universe.) We then find out that Kenny DIED (YOU BASTARDS!) from Covid, as he was trying to find a cure for it and stop the pandemic. So all of the once kids get together to solve this mystery (sounds like a Scooby Doo movie to me.) 

I'm currently in the second act where Stan confronts his father in a retirement home, (seeing all the adults I knew and loved as elderly people felt so uncanny, especially Mayor McDaniels.) Where in a "Share time" segment, it is revealed that Shelly and Sharon (Stan's mom and sister) passed away due to an accident at Tegridy Farms. 

All of this aside, from what I've noticed so far, which is so obvious that Matt and Trey shove it in your faces (in a comedic way.) It seems like we're making fun of cancel culture and what the future would potentially look like. Now I live in a society where anyone can get "cancelled" for voicing their own opinion. So considering my rising infamy on the internet, I have to keep my big fat mouth shut. But as always, Matt and Trey never fail to amuse me with their poking fun at social issues, cancel culture being one of them. 

So what's up today?

So tonight is the long awaited fur meet. My dad and I will be taking our normal route to get there, but will be taking a different route home. But before the big event, I'll make a stop at party city (with some b-day stash) and buy myself one of those crown thingys. 

My OC, and the edition of a South Park plush, will be attending with these guys.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Dream On!

 Thanksgiving has come and gone, we had friends and family come together and celebrate while I most retreated to my "safe space" in the basement. I also wound up with 2 early birthday presents. Those being a Beanie Boo keychain (A little kitten named "Cassidy") and Miitopia for the switch. 

Miitopia was a must on my list this year.

Now I already had the demo version of this game, so it transferred my current progress to the full version. 

Anyways, nothing really exciting today, my mom and dad are doing the grocery shopping today while I write my little stories on Wattpad. I did ask my mom if she could grab a couple of journals for me while she and my dad are out, so it will be easier to catalog dreams I've had without forgetting about them and suddenly remembering months later! 

So I was casually hopping onto Netflix (via my dad's acc since mine is Netflix kids.) So I could watch Scott Pilgrim since I forgot to watch it yesterday for Thanksgiving. Well, I went to the saerch bar only to be greeted with nothing... My little Kim Pine fan heart sank knowing that the one and only thing that made me want to go to Netflix is no longer available for my viewing. Luckily for me, I can turn to EBay and other sites to order a physical copy so BOOM!


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Tis The Season For Carving Turkeys!

 Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Today we celebrate killing innocent turkeys and....such.

Anyways, the South Park special premiered last night on Paramount+, and from what my friends have posted on their Instagram, there does seem to be a lot of interesting stuff.

One of these being that, believe me when I say this....Cartman is now a freaking RABBI!?! 

Yes, this was taken from the actual episode and is NOT photoshopped.

As of right now, I haven't watch this "Exclusive Event" in full, but when I do, I'll give you all the FULL report. I'm pretty sure that this is only a temporary thing with the kids being grown ups in this special, but only time shall tell!

So I somehow managed to finish an entire story in ONE DAY yesterday. Of course I'll be working on another one today thanks to my high levels of motivation. Sadly, today's story isn't based off of any pre existing shows like I was hoping for, but whatever, I'm sure another Cyberchase or KOTH story will be in the works....

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Who Wants Some SCRAMBLED BRAINS?

 So I finished my Cyberchase story yesterday. The next story I have in mind is an original story taking place in my mysterious alternate universe. (Yes, I'm that insane that a lot of my dreams take place in an alternate universe...) and last night's dream took place in the same location as the one I'm writing about today! Probably gonna stick with my OCS for this one since it really doesn't resonate with KOTH, but it does have potential for a Cyberchase story. (Good thing there's a sequel)

So my grandma is coming over to help my mom bake some desserts for Thanksgiving tomorrow. We also plan on ordering MY Thanksgiving dinner, no its not turkey, not mashed potatoes, ok I'll kinda take a bit of stuffing, but my meal consists of.... 


Yep, I'm really THAT picky. Its one of my autistic traits actually! But that's our plans for today.

Have no fear! Thanksgiving Pizza is here! (From Macy's!!!)


Then on Saturday I have my monthly meet up with my friends down at the bowling alley! I'm referring to it as my "Pre Birthday Party" since its the day before my actual birthday. I'm currently making plans with father to make a pit stop to Party City to grab one of those fancy birthday crowns (and possibly a balloon to take with me, just like the good old days.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Motivation Rising!

 I finished my King of the Hill story late last night. One of my friends commented that this story is probably my best yet! Which has since sent my motivation on the rise! As of now, I'm currently finishing up a Cyberchase story that I had started on about a week ago. I'm roughly 6 chapters in with that one, but what the heck. I did have another Cyberchase related dream after this one that I'm finishing rn, but it really wasn't all that interesting, so I won't bother writing it. 

Today is my last day of school before..... 

That'll give me plenty of time to work on my stories! I asked my mom if she had any blank journals lying around so I could have one as a dream journal. (We have a lot of unneeded things in a big tote, thanks to being a homeschooling family.) If she can't find one, she told me she'd go to Wegmans on Friday to try and get one for me. 

The derp is strong with this one.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Every Moment Counts!

So this has been a very interesting topic of mine. So ever since June-July of 2020, I've occasionally had VERY vivid dreams where even after I'd wake up, I would remember what happened. Heck I even have my own little universe in this alternate dream world of mine.  Around August 2020 was when I started cataloging them into fan fictions on my Wattpad using my OCS in place of people who were in the original. 

The current fiction I'm working on now is a King of the Hill fan episode I'd like to title "Ridin' High." The story is about Hank and the guys going to their last deer hunt of the season, but trouble rises when, get this, a snowstorm is headed towards Arlen! I'm currently working on the 3rd chapter right now where Hank, Boomhaur, and Bobby run into the antagonists of the story. 

I also found this animation guide (courtesy of Cartoonbrew)

So, its another school day. Nothing too special other than my mom getting ready for Turkey Day! A few weeks ago, my mom was looking for a small turkey at the Wegmans around the corner, sadly she couldn't find one but wound up with a turkey the size\weight of our 4 year old cat. Looks like we'll be having a LOT of leftovers.

Oh, boy!  Looks what's coming on December 16th!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Tight Budget.

 Father is still feeling a tad under the weather today. We'll mostly be chilling out until later where we have our cheapskate night. Mother gave us a budget of $4 so we'll have to see what we can buy with that kind of money (Depending on how he's holding up later. If not, we've got some hot dogs in the freezer.)

So this morning, I was informed of a website called BandLab! Its very similar to Soundtrap where you create your own music and stuff like that. So I'm gonna try making stuff like that I guess. 

Can't wait to see what I come up with!

Update: We decided to pass on cheapskate night this weekend, so we're having hot dogs and cheezits for dinner. (Plus idt $4 would have gotten us much anyways ^^;) 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Cosmic Comics!

 Today is the long awaited comic con! Got roughly $26 on me to spend on weird and whacky merch. 

So the morning started off with me and my dad watching some King of the Hill. Specifically a couple of episodes from season 3. These 2 episodes being "To Spank With Love" and "Three Coaches And Bobby" these particular ones were common replays back in the day and it felt so nostalgic to watch again. 

There is... a little something my dad and I are doing tomorrow. 


I usually only go there for cheap earbuds or batteries. They have food, too?!?

Back from the con! Had to cut it short since dad was feeling a bit green. Likely one of the side effects from his vaccine. 

Yeah, I had my booster shot yesterday and unlike the first two pokes, I've been feeling tired and chilly all day. Can't. Get. Warm.  Brrrrrr.

But I wound up spending a whopping $24 on bootleg Pokémon! 

Most of these came out pretty well if I do say so myself! I actually ran into one of my friends when I paid the first $20 on the Pokémon. The two of us wound up going through the other Pokémon which was where I spent the last $4. leaving me with $2 left in my wallet! 
(Gonna need to head over to my other vendor at the flea market next season)

Overall, pretty successful trip! Tomorrow, cheapskate night at DG.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Master of the Feast.

 So my family and I are going out for Mexican food this afternoon! We do have a couple locals in the area where we usually go to. Just the way we like it!

And now, a trip down memory lane.

Back when my family and I were residing down in North Carolina, we had 2 particular Mexican food joints we would go to. One being a local chain called "Mi Casita" which was a regular for quite some time. Yep, if we had family over, a celebration, or just a normal outing, Mi Casita would be our go-to restaurant. When I was little, the thing I would look forward too most was getting my chicken fingers and fries served in a little sombrero plate. That was all I cared about up until age 7. 

Fast forward to the mid 2010s, my dad and I were driving to someplace (I think it was the pharmacy or Harris Teeter) we notice that a Chinese place that had closed was being reopened as a new Mexican restaurant called "El Tio" instantly, my dad and I looked at each other and thought "We gotta go there." and for some time, El Tio took over up until the closing of its locations in I'd wanna say 2014. One particular location turned into another Mexican joint that my mom and I tried out....it was not good....

This place will be dearly missed...

So tomorrow I have a local comic con around the corner from our house. This particular venue is where we run into one of our Pokémon vendors (we have one at the flea market, who we will hopefully be seeing next season in April) but our regular usually shows up to this local con and offers 3 Pokémon for $1 or buy a bulk bag of the little critters for $8. Plus I get to cosplay Inez again!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: ITS SHITTASTIC!

 Oh man what a dreadful morning...

My mom and I overslept so we were both running quite late. I start my usual morning by getting in touch with friends as well as playing Animal Crossing (very important) then I have to take a morning pill while my mom takes care of the cats. About an hour later, breakfast has been made and I stumble out to the living room with my phone.

"Be careful, Mariel. Chloe and Belle have been leaving poop marks on the puppy pads" mom warns me. Did I REALLY have to hear this just as I'm about to have a CHOCOLATE DOUGHNUT!?

So I sit down, have my breakfast, no problem. Well, Chloe (our elderly 19 year old cat) jumps off the loveseat to reveal a huge brown mark on one of the pads. I sigh in disgust, get up from the couch, and change the pads to save mom some labor. "Is this actually what our morning is gonna be like???" I think to myself contemplating whether or not I may or may not be crazy. So I plop back down on the couch and finish my breakfast, just as I'm about to take my morning vitamins, our 4 year old cat, Belle, jumps on the back of the couch. Annnnd you all know where this is going.

As my dad says! "Its Turdtastic!"

I think it'd be safer for me to hide out in the basement today so I won't have traumatic flashbacks of this morning. Until then, I'll be planning on watching my favorite Thanksgiving movie on Netflix. 

Get it?
Random update!

One of my online friends had sent images for the upcoming South Park "Post COVID Special" coming to Paramount+. Apparently it takes place when the main 4 (Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny) have aged to probably their 30s or 40s. Looks like Stan is still having daddy issues and Kyle is now the school counselor. 
Guess its time to turn to KimCartoon when it eventually releases. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Oh No! Our Restaurant! Its Broken!

 So when my dad was off to work this morning, there was a bad accident at the Chinese place he usually stops at during lunch break! 


There are notices that the building has been condemned taped to the windows as of lunchtime today.  Bye-bye, China King. 😭

So anyways, I've an appointment with my regular therapist today. Nothing too exciting. But my dad is currently looking at the size regulations for carry on bags as of now. 

I wound up doing an insane villager hunt after Greta, one of my now former villagers had moved away. I'm currently looking for Fang, Audie, or Whitney, but I did wind up with Petri, one of the new villagers that was added with the 2.0 update. 

Here they are X3

One thing I forgot to mention is that this week, my dad and I have another convention around the corner from our house, this is where we usually see our Pokémon guy so I've got a little over $20 to spend on cheap, badly manufactured Pokémon figures!


More info on the tragic China King collision from The Observer:

A Morgan Linen Supply truck crashed into the China King Restaurant on South Water Street in Gowanda about 9:30 a.m. today, Nov. 16. Unconfirmed reports indicated possible mechanical failure of the truck’s steering mechanism. Heavy equipment was called in to shore up the building before the truck could be removed. No injuries were reported.

I thought it was a catering truck because of the two chefs! OK, linen supply it is.

Google Map image from 2018

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Comedy Stuff

 So my dad and I were just kinda joking around last night (as is typical for the two of us) and we were talking about some of the crummy Christmas specials we used to watch in our youth. Mostly the trademark stuff like Rudolph, Charlie Brown, and other familiar faces. But man, my dad and I were roasting the crap outta "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" which really isn't the best film to begin with. 

Now look, we aren't like, total Anti Christmas people, in fact, my mom is a Christmas fanatic herself. But all the talk of Christmas specials lead me to an idea for a film on our nostalgia channel!

May we present, "Debunking 5 Misconceptions About Reindeer" 

Starring Glisten, Tinsel and Twinkle

Its basically an adult comedy where these 3 reveal the truth surrounding common myths about reindeer. I would say what they are but I'll wait for another time. 

But anyways, do expect blog posts about me and my dad talking about popular holiday specials. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: An Unsurprising Turn of Events

 My Godmother is coming to visit us AGAIN! (No, I'm not complaining) As of last night, it was confirmed she'd be flying in on the 1st (exactly 3 days after my birthday) where we'll be doing our traditional mall day as it will be a "belated birthday shopping spree" of sorts. My dad will be out of town at this time as he will be visiting his brother, so if my dad is out of commission for a while on here, there you go. 

I'm getting my 3rd Moderna booster shot on Friday, since (1) I'm due for one and (2) can't be too careful with air travel these days!

So today I have my homeschool support group where I'll probably just take my DVD player and a few movies to watch if the convo between some of my friends gets to be something I'm not interested in. Then my mom and I planning on going to McDonalds for a bite to eat afterwards owing to the fact we have some coupons for that, Burger King, and Wendy's. 

After that, I really don't think we have anything else to do since we count our support group as "school" so hey, maybe I'll get more time to do some work on my shorts?

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Lost in Space

 So I went to church with my parents in order to help prepare some Thanksgiving meals to earn a little extra salary (from my mom, not the church.) And oh my God am I TIRED! I don't know what's wrong with me today but I just can't seem to get a hold of myself! 

So we successfully packed up the dinners while regular service ran smoothly. My mom and I were tasked with pouring the gravy into small containers while some of the other members helped out with the mashed potatoes, turkey, and even dessert! So things went well from there. My family and I wound up with 4 dinners, 2 for my mom and dad, one for me, and one for my grandma. 

Mom left for work around 1:20 or something, leading my dad and I to finish our lunch and pack up to head to grandma's house so we could drop her meal off and so my dad could fix her lamp. Here's how it went...

My dad and I pull out of the driveway, listening to 98.5 FM as is typical for us.

A few blocks away

Dad: Wait a minute...

Me: What?

Dad: I forgot the turkey dinner!!!!

Me: Shoot. Well its on the bottom shelf in the fridge.

Dad: I know that.

Me: Well mom told me to tell you where it was. 

We drive back home, grab the turkey dinner, and then drive off again.

Just as we turn the corner

Dad: WAIT!

Me: Now what?

Dad: I forgot the part I need to fix the lamp.

Me: Oh my God! 

Drive back home, grab the part, and then drive off AGAIN with no further issues.

Third time's the charm!

So yeah, father and I just are lost in space today. 

Speaking of lost....

So I had recently discovered a show from the early 2000s called "Frances" about a young badger of the same name spending time with her family. I did some research to find out it was made by the Jim Henson company during their venturing into the world of CGI animation (These were the same guys behind "Sid The Science Kid".)

Turns out this cutesy show was based off the Frances books from the mid to late 90s. This particular book series was a success amongst children back then, sadly.... this show did not gain the same attention as the original source material.. Frances (TV Show) aired in 2005 and lasted until 2009 and lasted of a whopping 6 episodes. I really feel sad that this show didn't do well, I mean from what I've seen, it looked like it would be such a big hit then. Oh well, as of now, only 3 of the 6 episodes have resurfaced online, leading half the show to become lost media. It'd be a miracle if the show does resurface in full. Fingers crossed that it does!

I actually have a bit of a memory of this show...

I remember seeing a trailer for Frances on one of my Thomas and Friends DVDS from way back when. Very interesting to find out it wasn't a fever dream!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: The Conning (Pt 2)

 Today is the annual Minicon! Haven't been to one in 2 years for very obvious reasons, but thanks to COVID dropping down in the area, we finally get to go. 

Renny and Risa get to join in too!

I'm hoping our "Pokémon Dealer" will be there so I can buy more of those weird, cheapy Pokémon figures. Especially after getting our "Ritzachu" from one of the flea market vendors! I'll check back when I got some photos from the trip!

Update: Con was a bummer. There were only 2 vendors there and not much to do. A fellow attendee told me one of the vendors couldn't come because they didn't wanna get vaxxed. But I did score some good photos! 

My dad and I have another convention by our house on the 20th. So that'll probably make up for what happened. I'm gonna make a music slideshow for the nostalgia corner. Later!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: The Conning...

 So as randomly noted yesterday, I was informed by a friend that there was a local con tomorrow at their college. Which gives me the perfect timing to cosplay as Inez once again. Father does have some stuff to take care of beforehand but that's no biggie since its going until way past 11 at night. I'll try to see if we can get directions tonight. 

So my mom and I will be having the day out with my grandma. We're stopping at Denny's for lunch followed by a trip to the Tops (a chain grocery stop) right next door, then the Dave's Christmas Tree Shop and Goodwill. Best part about Tops? Those little cake parfaits (I like the carrot cake one the best) and the breakfast pizza. 

I've never had much luck at any Goodwill locations, other than one time where I got a grab bag full of Beanie Boos for $5 and that was it. Hopefully I can find some more Honey Girls to add to my collection. I'll take whichever character they have, I don't care if its a duplicate, as long as it gets its "furrever" home with me, that's what matters. 

Todays loot! 

So Goodwill actually had a great stock in plushies! I did find a Tinkerbell character from the Tinkerbell franchise. I ultimately passed on it because while it was cute, my mom was worried that it wasn't clean enough, which it was actually! After my not so good luck with the plushies, I made my way to the DVD\CD section as I'm looking for the Mama Mia soundtrack (still have to watch the movie) Well...they had the movie, but not the CD. I found some "NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL MUSIC!" CDS dating all the way back to 2002 (they're older than me!) I saw one that had a song I liked but I passed for now. My mom wound up taking home a Bible while, just as we were a hout to head to the checkout, I find this POKEMON BOOK! No, its not one of those Pokedex books, but rather a chapter book of some of the episodes from the TV series. Like they always say, Gotta Catch Em All!

Next we made a stop at Big Lots and Tops on our way back, I didn't find much at Big Lots (at first) burt just as we headed to the checkout, I found these "Cats VS Pickles" beanbag toys. I've seen these at other stores like 5 Below and Walgreens but I've never had the time or money to buy one. Thankfully, Big Lots was selling them for $6 a throw so I bought one and my grandma treated me to one. Hoping to head to 5 Below in the future so I can get more of these things! Hey, maybe our 4 year old cat would be interested in getting one.

At least I've got some money saved for the con tomorrow!

Not that it's a contest, or anything, but I'm hoping to get a haircut and buy some bungee cords tomorrow. What can I say? Livin' the dream!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Veterans and Voice Actresses.

 Today is Veterans Day. Somewhat in the same sense as 9\11, we remember those who have died for us. This holiday is usually on a Tuesday (I think) but this year it came right in the middle of the week. 

I'm pretty sure Veteran's Day is always on November 11th, irrespective of the day of the week.

Aside from this All American holiday, I have my own little day that I celebrate. 

It was on this day, 22 years ago, the late Mary Kay Bergman had passed away. 

Mary Kay Bergman (occasionally known as Shannon Cassidy) was an American voice actress who was well known for her work on the adult animated sitcom, "South Park" where she would voice almost every female character in existence for the first 3 seasons up until her death. Her last role on the show was for the one time character, Rebecca Cotswolds, in the episode "Hooked on Monkey Phonics." Which interestingly, aired the day before her passing. So every November 11th, I celebrate her talent on the show as well as many other projects she was in. 

There was a sweet, subtle tribute to her in the Mr. Hankey Christmas Special that year. 😢

My 4th tribute video will be out later today.

Random update: One of my irl buddies in my furry group informed me of a local convention on Saturday. I'll give further details to father once he gets home from work.

Sounds like another jam-packed weekend!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Stick In The Snow

 So this is something I've been meaning to touch upon for a few days but here we are now.

So, Christmas music, right? One of the best ends of media to get you into the Christmas spirit! Its around this time that stores and shopping malls are prepping for the holiday season. Usually, most radio stations would wait until December to play the Holly-Jolly tunes of the season, but NOPE! Its around this time that they start playing Christmas music 24 freaking 7! I know there are a lot of people who enjoy this but personally, it drives me and my dad NUTS! I'd rather listen to Fenton Mulley's voice for 10 hours straight then tolerate listening to Christmas music A MONTH BEFORE THE ACTUAL HOLIDAY!!! 

I know, right? The one local station went all-Christmas... The. Day. After. HALLOWEEN!!!

So what else is there to discuss other than my small rant?

Well today I'm finishing up a video that's due tomorrow for a very important reason, which I will post here tomorrow. Thank God today is a stay at home day. Another thing I've gotten back into is Animal Jam! That will be a story for another day but its glad to be back!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Daddy Daughter Days: Off To See a Shrink.

 Well. I have another therapist appointment today. No, its not my regular one, but one that was referred to us. I'm a bit nervous but I'll be ok. Just as long as I'm fixed, I can finally be a normal functioning human and go about my day in society.

I look forward to a full report tonight.

In other news, we're finally getting back into the swing of things with REVAMPED! I have some more McGuirk animations for my dad to help with but I did pitch in for some frames with Shannon. 

I also have a video to work on that's coming out on Thursday. I take my job as a part time YouTuber VERY seriously considering the number of subs I have. 

So yeah, my mom told me last night there probably won't be much school after my appointment so that should give me PLENTY of time to get to work. 

Gosh, I hope we can get some more work done on that video! I've really been dragging my feet. 👴

Update: The therapist said my anxiety is actually not too bad. He doesn't recommend putting me on meds (Exactly what I was avoiding) and possibly a follow up at some point. So That's good!

Holding Out For A Hero

 I'll admit, 2024 started on strong and continued like that for several months! The following happened during those several months -Star...